Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    00:02 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

For the very best go with Monette. A Bach Strad is a good choice also. These two instruments are heavy and produce very good tones. I personally play a Benge 4. The Burbank Benges are very hard to find. A used, modern model Benge is very light weight and produces a jazzy tone. DON`T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON SOME NO NAME TRUMPET. Stick with the standard!

right    09:04 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
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JOHN-CANDICE calm down. I know absolutely nothing about the instrument as i play the piano tho i think both of you make bad rebuttles. IMHO i dont think that silver would make it any better.... if you painted a piano silver with paint it wouldn`t suddenly become good... but it was your fault John for starting the fight..

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    09:07 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

no wait TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID! i just read the fight again and realized that it was fully candices fault for making it so hosile....i mean ok John did make some aggressive statements when he got a bit tooshi but seriously.... no need to get worked up

ugh    16:24 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
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I am not saying that my trtumpet is painted silver IT IS SILVER... that means that its not just coated with a finish... making it about 13 pounds heavier then the standard tr300... and i am starting this `fight` because i know what i am talking about...

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    17:52 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Well My opinion is holton they are reliable from what i have heard my band teacher say so.. take your pick

right    23:37 on Saturday, October 11, 2003          
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now thats just bad mate. Candice. You. Are. Not. Cool... Get a LIFE

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    16:00 on Sunday, October 12, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

haha yeah... i`m not cool! way to make urself feel a little bigger in life. here`s reality; even if i wasn`t cool i wouldn`t care because i dont need to be anyone special-i get all the credit i need from my trumpet skills... so back off and for the record, once you know me and u hear me play then u can judge me... cuz im sure id surprise everyone thats replied in this forum!

right    01:34 on Monday, October 13, 2003          
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Yea you try to be modest by saying you aren`t cool but at the same time your arrogant and believe that your above the rest. Don`t keep telling yourself that your the modest and teased one who is good but unnoticed because it is most likely that you are not that at all.

Im not trying to pick a fight although i strongly think you should straighten up yourself.

Candice    15:00 on Monday, October 13, 2003          
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you know what guys, im sure this candice is good in his own mind, but we`re not the ones getting all worked up about this dude,

P.S. theres no such thing as a solid silver trumpet. so, you DONT know what your talking about

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    17:24 on Monday, October 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

okay im done with this thing... but there is so... and no i dont own a PURE silver one... but ther`s a lot of silver in mine. if you knew anything about modifications you can build any trumpet u`d like... so it is possible. and i am arrogent and i can be because i am a trumpet player... but if you really knew who i was you`d see that i am the most modest and caring person around. so dont get all hung up on the fact that u are better than everyone... because i personally know that there`s always better out there. but when you go see an orchestra and i am featured in it (and yes it`s happened) then you can tell me that i`m not talented...

whatever dude    18:17 on Monday, October 13, 2003          
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hey, whatever keeps ya from killing yourself every moring that ya wake up

candice    04:55 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003          
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huh? i agree with John. continue to feel sorry for yourself. and wtf... being a trumpet player doesnt automatically mean that your supposed to be arrogant. How old are you anyways?

big woooop... its silver... actually i think its the person who plays it not some intruments qualities. Okay the trumpet can improve it but you dont need to be some rich boy who thinks hes good cuz hes got an advantage. Its the player who plays good.

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    19:56 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

so what makes me so depressed? i dont need to feel sorry for myself... what the hell happened to all the positiveness around here? just quit being jealous and stop hating... im 17 by the way whoever asked...

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    21:28 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

are kings ok

right    01:35 on Thursday, October 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Ok candice, i agree. i take back what i say and no more fighting.


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