Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c

Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    19:31 on Monday, February 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

This is for any trumpeter who excels in the upper register,that you can consistantly play f above high c and can tear paint off of walls. Once you developed the g above high c did you have an insanely hard time slotting notes above that? For me anyways i have been able to get the Ab but afterwards the power just gets pulled out. However, when i play on another lead players horn i can slot everything to double c. Now what could possibly cause that to happen? I play on an old bach omega and my friend plays on some smith watkins model. Anywho if you have this problem i would like to know what you have done to tackle this problem. Im pretty sure that the horn i play on is not cut out for slotting those notes considering that they are false tones anyway. I have however been able to get those frequencys on my mpc. I also think my ear might not be helping either. Please share your findings.

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    19:54 on Monday, February 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i use bach 3f whitch is extremelly shallow i also use thw maynard aka imposible mouthpice witch gives me an easly slotted dubba C!!!!!!!!! try usin the bach 3f or the mf monette mouthpiece it will work for you if your not liein about your range!!! listen to my trippa C if you email me!! Peace easy

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    23:09 on Monday, February 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Well thank you jake however, my question was not about mouthpieces. Im not interested in mouthpieces at the moment but thank you. I just wanted to know about what other players will do to slot notes above high c or more like the g above that.

BTW, please dont post about tone being more important and crap like that. I am asking this question for insight on sloting notes above high c. Please dont be jerk and say things like "its not important" or "noob". Uh, yea thanks.

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    11:15 on Thursday, March 3, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Wow no one here can slot different notes in that register? No one can slot a`s or b`s above high c? Oh so i guess the only high notes that matter are the double and "triple" c. Ok.....whatever.

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    13:22 on Thursday, March 3, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

OK, this is along the lines of your discussion except not so high. I`m actually finding the F above high C hard to slot. F# is fine, E is fine, G is fine, but F is a delicate note (using the first valve at least). By the way, what do you mean by slot anyway? I understand it as being able to hit and hold the pitch. Anyway, do you think it might be your trumpet? because you said you had no problems with the horns of other players.

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    00:03 on Friday, March 4, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

slot as in its reasonably loud tone is there and it sounds like a real note. uh slot as in if you were marching with a drum corps you could hear it on the top. overtone series is there stuff like that.

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    16:44 on Friday, March 4, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Cool, I can help;
I had that problem back in Highschool, kinda, but, trumpets are different, your older model may require different technique than the newer ones to hit the higher notes. I had an old back strat back in 11th grade, which I was versatile up to the G with, but no higher, when I got into 12th grade however, I bought myself a Taylor pheonix trumpet, and was suprised when I could easily hit the double C and all notes in between. When I went into drum corps the Trumpet clinician guy wanted me to play on my old bach because my taylor pheonix was fire red (which he called tacky) when I told him I could only hit a G on it he told me that I might need to either blow harder, blow less, or move my embochure down a bit. Believe it or not, It worked, I tried blowing a little less, and the note came out, and after a while i was able to increase my air to get them louder. Just tool around on it, It can hit any note you can, its a damn trumpet, they were made for it For all of you, I highly recommend a taylor trumpet, mine is the most free flowing one I have ever played. Hope this helped, btw, drump corps is a great way to improve range in the extreme register...They made me split my lips until I could hit a double E for a latin song we played... it was torture. Good luck man, email me if you need any more help

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    16:45 on Friday, March 4, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

sorry, I meant to say I had an old BACH strat... not "back" sorry

Re: Another High Note Topic: slotting notes above g above high c    02:12 on Thursday, March 10, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Thanks. Ill come up with questions later.


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