I`m in the UK, Where are you from?

I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    14:15 on Friday, March 31, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

Just a general question! I've joined from the UK (thanks to paypal which converts £££s into $$$s!) and just wondered if there was any other Brits here, or am I a lonley one?

I'm in the UK, in the middle bit, Cheshire - all cows and rainbows here!

Where is everybody else from?

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    20:33 on Sunday, April 2, 2006          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

I used to live in Cheshire - Sale - and loved it. But that was way back when it really was cows and rainbows there. Things have changed in Sale - too much traffic!

Now I live in the Northwest of the U.S.

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    05:56 on Monday, April 3, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

Well Hi! (((waving2u)))

Sale is more Manchester way - I'm nearer to Congleton in South Cheshire (and Crewe in the opposite direction - still a lot of cows around here!

Thanks for replying! Hope to speak to you again - and anyone else who wants to join the conversation!

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    22:15 on Sunday, April 9, 2006          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

I have fond memories of our time in the U.K. Do you play in a band/orchestra? Or just enjoy playing? I had a long layoff then took up the bassoon again - it was almost like learning it from the beginning. I swear I never learned the fingerings to those high notes when I was younger!

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    23:28 on Saturday, April 15, 2006          

(12 points)
Posted by jennthepianist


Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    11:15 on Monday, April 17, 2006          

(75 points)
Posted by manns

i'm fom robin hood land...here in uk

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    05:23 on Thursday, April 20, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

Hi to you all! Manns - just up the road in Notts county - nice to meet you!

Drew - I used to sing in a band, well a number of them, but I don't do a lot of that now. I'm learning to play the piano - reading music, rather than by ear - difficult when you've done it the other way around all your life!

Jen - New England! it's lovely in the fall, so I've heard, having never been there personally!

Lovely to hear from everyone - sorry I've been so long replying, I've been up to Scotland for 10 days, but not having a rest, doing up a caravan for my partner to let.... ugh....

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    08:50 on Saturday, April 22, 2006          

(27 points)
Posted by the_unamed_one

hi i'm from Chester aswell. i didn't realise there were Britons here let alone people from my area.

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    09:21 on Saturday, April 22, 2006          

(34 points)
Posted by Adhmaid

I'm a half-Brit (and proud of it!!). My mother is from Hants.

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    13:43 on Saturday, April 22, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

Hello to you both! Unnamed - I'm off to Chester for the day on Wednesday! :-)

And Hants is a lovely place!

Great to hear from everyone

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    16:35 on Saturday, April 22, 2006          

(53 points)
Posted by Hi

Derbyshire!yay love it lol not kinda wet atm n grey so bit depressing!school soon as well so very bad!glad there are more of us brits here!

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    05:04 on Sunday, April 23, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

Derbyshire is a lovely county - just across the border from me! Buxton is one of my favourite day out destinations!

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    14:28 on Sunday, April 23, 2006          

(53 points)
Posted by Hi

Yea it is when it isnt raining! I think better to visit though than to live here! Whereabouts in cheshire are you? lol lots of cows here to!

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    04:42 on Monday, April 24, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

Hiya! I'm in south cheshire, near Congleton, and right on the border where it meets with Stoke-on-Trent!

Re: I`m in the UK, Where are you from?    16:24 on Monday, April 24, 2006          

(53 points)
Posted by Hi

Thats cool! lol i think ive been there for a day out n it was v beautiful, if i remember rightly! Glad there are more of us from around here than i thought! i guessed everyone was from america! yay go us!


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