What kind of music do you prefere and why

What kind of music do you prefere and why    14:41 on Monday, May 15, 2006          

(8 points)
Posted by agking

What kind of music do you prefere and why

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    04:27 on Friday, June 2, 2006          

(101 points)
Posted by JayJay123

I love all sorts of music really, it all depends on what mood I'm in as to what I listen to or play.

I have to say though, my first love was folk music (back in the days of six-part trad harmonies and fingers in the ears!) and I adore celtic rock, particularly the scottish bands, like Capercaille and Wolfstone.

But if I had to choose a favourite band and/or performer I couldn't!

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    15:04 on Thursday, June 8, 2006          

(85 points)
Posted by emz

umm i like any kind of music although i have to say im not exactly keen on really heavy metal or techno dance music but everyone is different lol my style is kind of indie pop rock ish lol
at the moment im kind of into the kooks, jack johnson,kelly clarkson,artic monkeys snow patrol etc etc
i like a band because of there songs and not wat they look like lol
so most of the time i just like songs and not really bands lol
( the bands i mentioned are mostly english so not many of u have probably heard of them)

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    12:00 on Sunday, June 11, 2006          

(160 points)
Posted by kishi

classic, blues, and rock

classic= i'm attracted to songs w/ unique melodies...

blues= i'm studying it right now and i kinda like its own scala...i mean the 7s and the min7s......im still learning.

rock= now that's me! makes me wanna go jumpin around!hehehe

how bout you?
what kind of music do you prefer?why?


Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    09:12 on Thursday, November 23, 2006          

(12 points)
Posted by bassoonMD

I like classical music and jazz. I think that its pretty cool to play jazz because of all the movement and the solos.lol. Classical is what calms me down and relaxes me.

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    08:12 on Sunday, December 3, 2006          

(88 points)
Posted by Exen

I would have to say classical period music, I remember listening to it as a kid and it never gets old, or any major instrumental works using orchestral, there is so much potential with that, so many instruments to draw on, it never gets old. I listen to a lot of rock and metal, but I can still relate things straight back to classical period works and instrumental.

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    14:13 on Sunday, December 3, 2006          

(35 points)
Posted by Kiek

I like..
Feelgoodsongs and very depressed songs.

Like franz ferdinand, arctic monkeys, the kooks, the vines.. etc..
and Evanescence, k's choice..

and everything in between.
some classical songs, some very heavy songs, but mostly i prefer rock.

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    18:48 on Saturday, December 9, 2006          

(9 points)
Posted by cedwards

country, some people hate me for it but country.

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    22:50 on Saturday, December 9, 2006          

(4 points)
Posted by eureka

I like rock only. Maybe a little bit of metal, but not hardcore creepy metal.

Rap makes me convulse.
country just all sounds the same to me.
Hip hop and pop is just so lame and the lyrics have no meaning to them

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    16:13 on Tuesday, December 12, 2006          

(28 points)
Posted by DolceBlonde

anything acoustic.
I am a sucker for a boy with a guitar.
Also, My school's mens chorus is to die for! Their version of White Christmas and Merry Christmas Baby gove me shivers!

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    15:44 on Wednesday, December 27, 2006          


well i like led zeppelin and from looking at my account you can probobly tell LED ZEPPELIN

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    14:08 on Monday, January 1, 2007          

(42 points)
Posted by Galileo

I like Broadway, Classical, Alternative Rock, and Movie Soundtracks(like Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribbean, stuff with good music).

Like mentioned earlier, Rap is terrible to me and Country is always the same. I like Carrie Underwood and Rascal Flatts though.

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    14:24 on Tuesday, January 2, 2007          

(60 points)
Posted by shelly_belly

rap isn't all terrible, you've just got to find an artist who's raps about real things,for instance i love just a moment by nas and ther are many others, but a lot of "grime" drives me crazy, and also rappers that rap and promote things like drugs, pimping, prostitution etc. Anyway, I like most music, there's never a whole genre that I dislike, usually just songs within a genre but I can always find a few songs in each genre that I do like. Pop is often corny though. Still, my favourite genres have to be soul and R'n'B simply because I'm a soul/R'n'B singer plus I write songs in those genres and I love to dance and choreograph to those genres. However there are other genres I love, for instance I love to play jazz and blues on my clarinet, and I'll play just about anything on the piano anyway I'm writing an essay now so I'll stop but before I do, I want to say never completely disregard a genre of music just because you've songs which are of that genre which you dislike, I used to do that with rock but there is rock music that I found I like. Be open-minded and those of you that said you dislike rap, give it another chance
shelly x


ooo I lied, there is one genre I hate, although it's not really a genre, it's a sub-genre (I think), anyway it's music composed in a serialist style, you know using tone rows and inversion and retrograde and all that, I have to study it for my GCSE and I really hate it, it's often awfully disonant, and I love pieces with beautiful harmony so serialism is not my cup of tea so to speak.

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    21:54 on Sunday, February 11, 2007          

(12 points)
Posted by piccolo01

I really really like Baroque and Romantic Era music... especially the Romantic Era. Some people get annoyed, because he is so overplayed, but Tchaikovsky is my favorite.

I also really like Big Band/ Swing stuff..... yay for Benny Goodman!

and i love country

Re: What kind of music do you prefere and why    15:51 on Friday, April 27, 2007          


I like all music. I don't really like country all that much.


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