couture0 (8 points)
Looking for a literate roleplay forum?
Check us out at;;
Sach's Beach.
A place where struggling musicians, models, and actors of all ages, genres, and backgrounds come to try to make it big.
A place where bands such as Saving Boys, Heart Shattered Romance, and Josiah's Dance have erupted.
A place where lies, love, and friends are everywhere.
A place where the people are very diverse- from drag queens to emo kids- it hosts every type of person imaginable.
We're very much in need of more members- the board was started about two months ago, but I just got around to advertising, and the first night I advertised I got a gal who wanted to admin with me. Keep PWPH growing!!
Oh, and please tell me if you're going to check it out.
It's still in the making- so bear with us.