To be a Drum Major or not to be.

To be a Drum Major or not to be.    23:44 on Saturday, February 7, 2009          

(1 point)
Posted by Baritonium

Hi guys, this is mmy first post EVER. So go easy on me, but I;m currently a freshman (yes i know, freshman suck) but I really want to ba a drum major next year. So I was wondering if any of you guys had any tips on conducting, leadership, those philisophoical questions they ask you, the tryout procees, spelling, and all that juicy good stuff. Thanks. (No seriously I reeeeeely want this. If you do reply TTTHAAAANKK YOOOOOUU.)

Re: To be a Drum Major or not to be.    16:33 on Tuesday, February 10, 2009          

(5 points)
Posted by Lacyloves

i don't have any tips but you should definitely go for it

Re: To be a Drum Major or not to be.    18:53 on Tuesday, February 10, 2009          

(925 points)
Posted by tenorsaxist

sample questions...

"Why do you want to be drum major?"
"What commitments would you have to schedule around for the drm major position?"
"What qualities do you feel make a successful drum major?"
"How do you quaify for drum major?"
"How have you shown leadership in the past?"
"How have you expanded your musical expereince to better prepare you for this positon?"
"Will you be willing to go to a drum major training session for a week in the summer (500$)?
"How has your attendance been with other band commitments?"
"How would you rate your marching? Music Memorization? Communication?"
"Besides music, what other activities have you leanred communication skills through?"
"Are you interested im majoring in music?"
"If you choose to major in music, how do you feel that drum major will prepare you for that?
"What actual activities (drum major) are you looking forward to"
"How do you fair against your other drum major competetion?"
"What makes you, as a candidate, stand out?"
"How well do you think you and I (band leader) communicate?"

Good Luck, if your serious abour running for drum major, I would get involved with the department. If ANY of these questions give you difficulty, say you and you band leader talk once a month, then you need to reconsider trying out. The questions are more important than your conducting. If you are looking for conducting advice, than just use a basic patter in what ever time the song is, and pay attention to how the other drum majors conduct for hints. You should also be able to approach them for advice any time. An example with involvement is through me. I am head music librarian, taking lessons under our clarinet master, in Jazz Band, and principal bassoon, not to mention section leader next year of marching group (If I were marching).


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