Sharp or Flat?
18:06 on Sunday, January 19, 2003
When I come across a piece of Music & begin to play there seems to be notes-which are the same yet one is sharp and the next note doesn`t have a Sharp OR Flat sign. What should I play, Sharp or Flat?
Re: Sharp or Flat?
20:27 on Sunday, January 19, 2003
If there is for example an f sharp, then a G and then a F, (all in the same bar) you would play the F as a sharp. If you don`t understand, email me and i will explain it better for you.
Re: Sharp or Flat?
06:53 on Monday, January 20, 2003
I understand so if you have two F notes in the same bar-1st one being F sharp then if the next one is also F it is also sharp, yes?
Re: Sharp or Flat?
14:57 on Monday, January 20, 2003
Re: Sharp or Flat?
14:24 on Thursday, January 23, 2003
It is sharp until the end of the bar or until it hits a natural sign