Composing Help
13:08 on Saturday, September 25, 2004
Hello. I`m a very amateur composer.
I write mostly fusion mixed with rock and classical and what not. Or should I say...I try to write.
I can read notes perfectly. And I know a lot of basic stuff in music theory. But my music is just...I don`t know. If I have a song in my head, and I want to write it, I can`t. My music is lacking something, and if I could I would return to the music academy. But that`s not possible at the moment, so I was wondering if someone could give me tips, or help. Anything... Please.
Re: Composing Help
10:58 on Sunday, October 10, 2004
(M. A.)
It would help if you identify the notes by ear. Do you know what I mean? Its like playing an instrument by ear. Hearing the notes and knowing what they are.
Re: Composing Help
16:31 on Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Hello, I work at an internet broadcast radio station where we also do quality recordings for 20$ an hour, we could help you turn those ideas in your head into something beutiful so if you are interested contact email or cell # 845-282-0060. Later
Re: Composing Help
07:05 on Sunday, October 24, 2004
hey i feel exactly the same, sometimes composing can be reli reli difficult. i sumtimes cn hear the song in my hed bt jus cant get it down on paper! the trick is to hear the note, sing it out n then play notes on the piano/keyboard n c which one fits the note u r playin, its all dun by ear. experiment wiv loadsa different ways of playin it n if ur havin truble wi a certain section of ur song, put sum notes down n move on to anova bit, probability is wen u cum bac 2 that bit u wil hav mor of an idea of wot u want cos u cn sumtimes get reli bogged down with it. hope that helps x