Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
07:16 on Tuesday, May 7, 2002
yes, i do mean everyone, including YOU, yeah you... and answers please ^_^
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment? just curious
Edited by Forum Admin at 09:42 on Monday, April 28, 2003 Reason: Title clarified]
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
09:21 on Wednesday, May 22, 2002
Why do you ask??? But i started playing the clarinet in 1993 and i learnt it up until last year (being 2001). I also learnt the piano from 1994 until 1997, but then stopped becuase i no longer had a teacher.
is that what you wanted???
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
22:37 on Saturday, June 15, 2002
well i play alot of insturments. the ifrst instrument i played was a recorder and was a natural. i played ukuleles, then handbells, then piano, and now the baritone( a miniture tuba, sounds like a trombone).
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
18:28 on Monday, June 17, 2002
I started the piono when I was really young and still play it but I played the piono because My grammy is a musicsion . I play the violen because a neghebor down the street teaches and she taoght me for a little bit then now I play the flute, that I started on my friends then I saved up my mony and got my flute.
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
23:30 on Monday, June 17, 2002
"yes, i do mean everyone, including YOU, yeah you... "
Who? Me?
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
03:57 on Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Well, I`m fifteen and I play the piano by ear. The funny thing is, I`ve only been playing for a little over a year, and I started because of jealousy! In my chorus class, the piano we use often became the place of `showing off` from kids who have had lessons more so than teaching chorus. To feed my jealousy of their talent, I listened to the songs and went home to my keyboard and practiced untill I could match their talent. Over time, I realized I had a gift, and I now play my keyboard in my church`s praise band.
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
16:23 on Thursday, September 5, 2002
i play the piano for the simple love of the instrument. ive played for like 2 years and improove rapidly. but why i started, i dont know, i always lookde up to people who played it was amazing to me.
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
05:38 on Tuesday, September 10, 2002
I`ve been playing flute now since 1996ish...love it! i`m in a few bands at school...and i`m doing grade 7 exam in about *counts* 3 weeks eek!
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
16:29 on Sunday, September 29, 2002
I`ve been playing piano for close to 12 years now (I`m 17) and clarinet for about 5 years (bass clarinet for close to 3 now) and guitar for almost 2 years. I want to major in clarinet in university next year, but not piano because there`s too much competition. I also fiddle around with other instruments (trumpet, french horn, saxophone, etc.) but I`m not really serious about them.
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
19:57 on Saturday, October 12, 2002
Right now I play piano because my two older sisters inspired me to. I want to learn the clarinet when I reach high school; my older sister is inspiring me to. ;-) :-)
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
16:08 on Monday, October 14, 2002
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
17:01 on Friday, November 1, 2002
(James Simakas)
Hmmm... I started Harmonica and penny whistle a year ago, forgot the recorder, and have played my flute for, hmm... four years now.
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
11:17 on Tuesday, November 12, 2002
(joe hurst)
well..i started as a drummer aged 9..then went onto trumpet at 11,did all grades(upto8)in 4 yrs and then started guitar,am a pro musician so you pick up skills along the way, i now play at last count about 15 instruments inc lap steel and conga`s and although i still get the odd session playin drums etc i feel most like a guitarist..ive been playin 15 years....ps. (i get a fair few vocal sessions as well does this count?)
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
05:58 on Thursday, November 14, 2002
I just started playing the piano cos I like it. Does anyone have a pdf of Cavatina.. Theme from The Deer Hunter they can send me? pleaseeeee
Why did you start playing the instrument/s you`re playing at the moment
14:27 on Friday, November 15, 2002
Hi! I started to play the trumpet about 4 years ago. In summer i passed my grade 4 and am starting to work on my grade 5. The reason i decided to learn it is because my grandad is a v.good euphonium player (he used 2 play the many cornet years ago.)and he inspired me.
What type of bands do u guys play in? I play in windbands, swingbands brass bands. I would love to play in orchestra`s though.