Ok, so i'm investing in a fiddle. I've been playing for over 4 years now, and have hired one all that time, never really considering buying one.
I have found the fiddle for me, nothing perticually exciting, but it's within my price range and reasonable quality.
It's a Stentor Conservatoire, full size, outfit. It costs £180. for the kit with the full set up.
I found the same thing, minus set up, for £110. The thing i'm wondering about though, is colour.
The £110 looks like this-
A very red, plasticy colour.
The £180 looks like this-
I much nicer, softer brown tone.
I dont know about you, but the seond, more expensive one, looks a lot nnicer. I know you shouldn't really judge a violin on its colour, but i dont want a cheap-loooking fiddle.
S i need to get this straightened out. Their both claiming to be the same fiddle, but one is a different colour and more expensive. Are they both the same? Does anyone else have a Stentor C?
Thanks SO much for your help!