Hello everyone!
I've been browsing this site and it's awesome. I feel it's really going to help me develop and there are lots of useful answers to questions that have already cropped up. This is my first day playing violin and I've decided to document the whole process by video for at least 3 months.
I filmed my first notes on the violin and will film every daily practise and then once per week I'll upload a short video summarising each day's developments. I hope you join me and watch my progression and give comments and help where you can. I also have a blog about the journey which has far more information about me and the whole experiment.
It's really annoying that I can't give a link to the new video or blog page but I understand why it's set up that way. If you are interested then please click on my username and there is a link to my blog page on the profile.
I'd love to hear people's comments and advice over the next few weeks. I hope you have fun following me.
Take care everyone. I'll see you around the forums.