04:24 on Sunday, October 24, 2004
(Elizabeth Ward)
Um, the strings ARE a fifth apart on a violin.
06:37 on Saturday, November 27, 2004
It is not impossible to be able to tune the violin with less than 4 years. I started trying to tune it myself after 1 year. At first i too snapped a lot of strings , but gradually i got better. I use a monochromatic tuner ( i think ). Anyway, if you just tighen the peg to tune, it porbally will snap .. i would recommend you lossen the string first ( turn the peg TOWARDS you with the strings facing you) , THEN tighten , bit by bit
untill you get close to the note . Then , fine tune it using the fine tuners. if you only have the fine tuner on the E string, i recommend going to a kjusic store and getting it for all of them. it makes it much easier. i normally use the fine tuners, and only touch the peg when the difference is larger , ie, maybe like a note or 2 higher/lower ? it works for me.
unless you have musical background , like you already play the guitar for a couple of years b4 picking up the violin, i would say it is not possible to be able to tune it by the second day .
and by the way,Jon. using all caps on the internet is rude. use caps to EMPHASIZE a point, not "shout".
i wish i had fine tuners on the other strings...
16:42 on Monday, November 29, 2004
it`s such a subtle turn i make on the pegs, yet it greatly affects the sound. i have to toy around to get it to a perfect pitch.
17:09 on Monday, November 29, 2004
wow..... someone was having a cow lol
Re: Trouble tuning the violin
03:12 on Tuesday, November 8, 2005
ignore what you heard about how it is on your peg, i turn away from me as do most violinists i know. we use a nifty little invetion called peg goop. made for those of us who refuse to write on our instruments anywhere, shame on you who do, and i have found it leaves no worries when you and your symphony are performing. Violin is a tedious yet highly rewarding instrument and as i cannot get responses as i have yahoo i will check here on occasion, good luck and good music
I foubd a place were you can tune your violin
17:10 on Thursday, November 10, 2005
Re: Trouble tuning the violin
18:02 on Friday, November 11, 2005
Make sure your pegs are pushed all the way in so they don`t turn by themselves. Just playing can untune them if so.