Orchestra Teacher
Orchestra Teacher
00:28 on Sunday, January 8, 2006
Re: "Rebecca,lol,Scotch,Emmy why are u being mean to me i have not done anything to u."
Tyler, English is a perfectly fine language, and I strongly suggest that you adopt it. I appreciate your interest in the orchestra, but as a general rule posting the same missive simultaneously in twenty different threads is not the best way to win friends and influence enemies. I immensely prefer you to "lol" if it`s any consolation.
Orchestra Teacher
00:34 on Sunday, January 8, 2006
Re: "My music school does classes from 3+ so yeah, many people can read music UNDER 13."
Yes. I would go so far as to say that MOST people who can read music learned to do so as children, and I think it`s been that way for centuries. George Benard Shaw maintained that adult beginners can never attain fluency. Having successfully taught many adults to read music I disagree, but certainly the earlier the better. My mother could read music before she could read words.