Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio - Biography

Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio Biography

Barry Streater writes:

I have a 2CD set of music by Brescianello released by Dynamic Srl, via Mura Chiappe 39, 16136 Genova, Italy. Their website is Their email is

I am not sure where the CD set was bought as it was a present

The number of the CD is: CDS291/1-2 and the bar code is 8 007144 602918. There are 12 pieces of music on the CDs. More details are given in the list on my webpage

According to the CD notes, (which are very good and were written by Danilo Prefumo, the producer of the CDs, and tranlated into English by Daniela Pilarz), Giuseppe was born around 1690 in Firenze, (Florence), and died in 1758 in Stuttgart. Virtually nothing is known of Giuseppe until 1715 when he went to Munich as a viola player in the service of court chapel. A short time afterwards, he went to Stuttgart where he remained for the rest of his career

[add by Krzysztof Komarnicki, Ph.D. on musicology]
He invigorated musical life in Stuttgart. His contemporaries praised his chamber works. The music of Brescianello shows great sense of melody, profound harmonic imagination combined with strong rhythmic element so typical to Italian school of the time. However Brescianello was able to adopt features of French and German music as well.

Apart from abovementioned Symfonie brescianello is well-known among to-days guitarists for his outstanding set of 18 Partitas (actually Sonatas and Partitas). The music was originally composed for 'callichon' (one of many possible names for the instrument) a small, six course lute of the tuning model that is exactly the same as that of the modern guitar (with the difference that Brescianello's instrument's lowest string was G while modern guitar lowest string is E). Threfeore Brescianello's music is the only baroque music available to present-day guitarist without need for transcription. Moreover, the quality of the set is not lower than that of composer's orchestral music.

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