Hahn, Reynaldo |
Haley, Ed |
Hall, Wendell |
Halle, Adam de la |
Halls, J.C. |
Hammerstein, Oscar |
Hanby, B. R. |
Hancock, Herbie |
Handel, George Frideric |
Handman, Lou |
Handy, W.C. |
Hanley, James F |
Hanon |
Happy Mondays |
Hargreaves, William |
Harney, Benjamin Robertson |
Harris, Charles K |
Harrison, George |
Hartling, Carlos |
Hartsough, Lewis |
Hasselmans, Alphonse |
Hassler, Hans |
Hastings, Thomas |
Hatton, John |
Hawthorne, Alice |
Haydn, Franz Josef |
Hayes, Philip |
Hearsay |
Henderson, Ray |
Hendrickson, W. D. |
Hendrix, Jimi |
Henri Desmarets |
Henry VIII |
Henselt, Adolf |
Herick, Robert |
Herold, Ferdinand |
Hill, Lauryn |
Hindemith, Paul |
Hoffman, Elisha A. |
Hofhaymer, Paul |
Holborne, Anthony |
Holbrooke, Joseph |
Holden, Oliver |
Holiday, Billie |
Holland, Justin |
Hollies, The |
Holmes, Augusta |
Holst, Gustav |
Holzmann, Abe |
Honegger, Arthur |
Hoobastank |
Hook, James |
Hopkins, Edward J. |
Horetzky, Felix |
Hoschna, Karl |
Houston, Whitney |
Howard and Emerson |
Howard, Bart |
Howard. Joseph E |
Howe, Julia Ward |
Howells, Herbert |
Hubay, Jeno |
Hudson, R.E. |
Hugg, George C. |
Hughes, John |
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk |
Humperdinck, Engelbert |
Hunten, Franz |
Hunter, Willie |
Husband, John J. |
