Choir Sheet Music, Lessons, Chord Charts, Resources

101-120 of 1903 Choir Sheet Music, Lessons, Chord Charts, Resources (
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Type ArtistTitle Level
Bach 22-26 Da fuhreten sie; Ware dieser nicht etc. (St. John Passion BWV 245) (SATB)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 22. Behold the Lamb of God (Messiah)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 22. Hear us, O Lord (Judas Maccabaeus)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 23. Fallen is the foe (Judas Maccabaeus)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Bach 23. Ich will hier bei dire stehen (St. Matthew Passion)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Bach 24. Dona nobis pacem (Mass in B minor, BWV 232) (SATB)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 24. Surely, He hath borne our griefs (Messiah)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 25. And With his Stripes (Messiah)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 25. May all the host of Heav'n (Joshua)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Bach 25. O Schmerz! hier zitteret das gequalte Herz (St. Matthew Passion)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 26. All We Like Sheep (Messiah)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Bach 26. Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen (St. Matthew Passion)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 26. Sion now; Tune your harps (Judas Maccabaeus) (SSATB)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Bach 27. Ach grosser Konig, gross zu (St. John Passion BWV 245) (SATB)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Haydn 27. Achieved is the glorious work (The Creation - Die Schopfung)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Haydn 27b. Achieved is the glorious Work (The Creation - Die Schopfung)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Bach 28-30. Da sprach Pilatus; Nicht diesen, sondern Barrabam etc. (St. John Passion BWV 245) (SATB)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 28. Glory to God (Joshua)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 28. Hail, Judea, happy land (Judas Maccabaeus)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level
Handel 28. He Trusted in God (Messiah)
(public domain)
Intermediate Level