Fancy winning a year's free subscription to
We'd like to see more videos of people playing our great sheet music, so we've decided to make it worth your while - simply upload
your video to YouTube, and if it's good enough, we'll feature it on the site, and offer you a year's free subscription to in return!
What to do
- make a video of yourself or a friend - or a group of friends - playing one of the pieces on (N.B. It must match the version we have on the site and cannot be a riff lesson or chord chart).
- Make sure the sound quality is as good as possible.
- Upload the video to YouTube, ensuring that you link to the URL of the score page in your YouTube video Info
- Submit a link to your video using the box below
We are not currently limiting the number of prizes we are offering - simply, if we enjoy your performance enough, you'll win!
Good luck!