Flute Orchestral Excerpts
Flute Orchestral Excerpts
A collection of orchestral excerpts commonly used in orchestral flute audition. Most represent challenging features of the standard repertoire
1. Dvorak - Symphony No. 9 Flute 2 excerpt: 1st Movement, from 10 t...

Symphony No. 9 Flute 2 excerpt: 1st Movement, from 10 t...
2. Schumann - Symphony No.1 Excerpt: Flute 1, mvt 1, bb. 15-22

Symphony No.1 Excerpt: Flute 1, mvt 1, bb. 15-22
3. Schumann - Symphony No.1 Excerpt 2: Flute 1, mvt 1, bb. 177-185

Symphony No.1 Excerpt 2: Flute 1, mvt 1, bb. 177-185
4. Ravel - Ma mere l'oye - Excerpt: Flutes, Mvt 1: bb 1-8

Ma mere l'oye - Excerpt: Flutes, Mvt 1: bb 1-8
5. Strauss - Death and Transfiguration Flute 1 Excerpt: 2 bars after...

Death and Transfiguration Flute 1 Excerpt: 2 bars after...