Sheet music
and resources
for active
MUSICIANS offers free sheet music,
lessons and tools for musicians who play

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All of our free sheet music plus unlimited playback, transpositions, parts and more.

  • 8 notes to the rescue, as ever! Thank you for all you do to keep groups of people playing happily! You are a beacon in the ensemble world.

    Caroline, UK

  • Amazing resource and extraordinary support! Your quick responses and enthusiasm helped make my kids’ little holiday concert a big success. So impressed and grateful

    Kate, USA

  • This is a great service! I love the transposing feature.

    Catherine Reimer,USA

  • You guys are life saviors for music teachers!


  • I'm 73. Thank you very much for providing large note parts for those of us who are near-sighted! This is a wonderful service and allows us to enjoy playing the music we love.

    Susan, Raleigh, NC

  • I keep telling my recorder group how good your site is. We have benefitted greatly from your arrangements.


  • As an older cello-player I want to thank you very much for the possibility to print a part in Large print


  • Fantastic! I LOVE It has made so much music so accessible!


  • Your site is nothing short of mind-boggling for me, a very amateur bassoon player. Your music is beautiful, varied, and suitable for all levels of music players. All else pales in comparison to 8notes

    David Cohain, DDS