Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter b
- BA_06
- Babes in the Wood
- Babes in the Wood
- Babes in the Woods
- Babies in the Mill
- Babylon is Fallen (2)
- Babylon is Falling
- Back Home in Derry
- Back on the Street Again
- Back Water Blues
- Backwoodsman
- Bacon on the Rind
- Bad Brahma Bull
- Balaclava
- Bald General Coote
- Bald-Headed End of the Broom
- Ballad of Penny Evans
- Ballad of Richard III
- Ballad of Springhill
- Ballad of the Triangle Fire
- Ballinderry
- Ballybay
- Ballynure Ballad
- Balm in Gilead
- Baltimore Fire
- Banchory's Lands
- Banchory's Lands
- Banks of Allan Water
- Banks of Green Willow
- Banks of Inverary
- Banks of Marble
- Banks of Newfoundland
- Banks Of Sicily
- Banks of Sweet Primroses
- Banks of the Condamine
- Banks of the Dee (Parody)
- Banks of the Little Eau Pleine
- Banks of the Nile
- Banks of the Ohio
- Barbara Allan
- Barbara Allen
- Barbara Allen
- Barbara Ellen
- Barbara Ellen
- Barbaree
- Barbary Allen
- Barney and Katie
- Barnyards O' Delgaty
- Barrett's Privateers
- Basket of Eggs
- Batson
- Battle of Alma (2)
- Battle of Harlaw
- Battle of Jerico
- Bawbee Allan
- Bay of Biscay Oh
- Bay of Fundy
- Bayou Sara
- Be Kind to Your Nainsel', John
- Bear Away Yankee, Bear Away Boy
- Bear Away, Yankee
- Beautiful Rose
- Beautiful, Beautiful Brown Eyes
- Beaver Dam Road
- Because He was Only a Tramp
- Bed of Roses
- Bedlam Boys
- Bedmaking (The Gay Old Man)
- Before I met You
- Before They Close the Minstrel Show
- Behold With Joy
- Bell Bottom Trousers
- Bell Ringing
- Bellaghy Fair
- Belle Starr
- Bells of Rhymney
- Ben Hall
- Benbow
- Benjamin Bowmaneer
- Benjamin Deane
- Benjy Met the Bear
- Bessie of Ballydubray
- Bessy Bell
- Bessy Bell and Mary Gray
- Betsy
- Betty and Dupree
- Betty Anne
- Beware O' Bonie Ann
- Beware, Oh Take Care
- Bheir Me O or Eriskay Love Lilt
- Biddy Mulligan, the Pride of the Coombe
- Big Rock Candy Mountain
- Bill Bailey
- Bill Grogan's Goat
- Bill Martin and Ella Speed
- Bill Vanero
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Grimes
- Billy Taylor
- Billy The Kid
- Bimini
- Bingo
- Bingo In the Morning
- Binnorie
- Binnorie
- Binnorie
- Binnorie
- Binorie
- Binorie
- Binorie
- Binorie
- Bird in a Cage
- Birmingham Boys
- Birmingham Lads
- Black Betty
- Black Chimney Sweeper
- Black Fox
- Black is the Color of my True Love's Hai
- Black is the Colour
- Black Jack Davy
- Black Joke
- Black Rock Pork
- Black Socks
- Black Water Side
- Black Waters
- Black, White Yellow and Green
- Black-Eyed Mary
- Black-eyed Mary 2
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Black-eyed Susie
- Black-Jack Gypsy (2)
- Blackberry Grove
- Blackwaterside
- Blackwaterside
- Blarney Roses
- Bless 'Em All
- Blessed Quietness
- Blind Fiddler
- Blink Over the Burn, Sweet Betty
- Blood on the Saddle
- Blood Red Roses
- Bloody Waterloo
- Blooming Caroline of Edinburgh Town
- Blow Away the Morning Dew
- Blow the Candles Out
- Blow the Man Down
- Blow the Wind Southerly
- Blow The Winds, I-O
- Blow Ye Winds of Morning
- Blow, Boys, Blow
- Blow, Boys, Blow
- Blue Bells of Scotland
- Blue Bottle
- Blue Diamond MIne
- Blue Monday
- Blue Mountain
- Blue-Eyed Gal
- Blue-Eyed Lover
- Bluebeard
- Bluey Brink
- Blythe Was She
- Bo Lamkin
- Boating on a Bullhead
- Boatman
- Bob The Pedigree Sheepdog
- Bogie's Bonnie Belle
- Bold Archer
- Bold Archie
- Bold Dickie
- Bold Fenian Men (Glenside)
- Bold General Wolfe
- Bold MacCarteney
- Bold Princess Royal (3)
- Bold Reynard
- Bold Riley
- Bold Robert Emmet
- Bold Robin Hood and the Pedlar
- Bold Robin Hood and the Threee Squires
- Bold Robinson
- Boney's Defeat
- Bonie Lesley
- Bonnie Annie
- Bonnie Black Bess
- Bonnie Black Bess
- Bonnie Dundee
- Bonnie Lass Amongst the Heather
- Bonnie Susie Cleland
- Bonnie Ythanside
- Bonny at Morn
- Bonny Baby Livingston
- Bonny Eloise (Belle of the Mohawk Vale)
- Bonny George Campbell
- Bonny Lad, Highland Lad
- Bonny Light Horseman
- Bonny Light Horseman (4)
- Bonny Lizie Bailie
- Bonny Wee Thing
- Bony on the Isle of St. Helena
- Boomer Johnson
- Boozing
- Border Widow's Lament
- Boring For Oil
- Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago
- Boston Harbor
- Botany Bay
- Botany Bay
- Both Sides Now
- Both Sides the Tweed
- Bottle o' the Best
- Boulavogue
- Bound Down to Newfoundland
- Bound for Greenland
- Bound for Greenland
- Bound for Greenland
- Bound For Greenland
- Bound to Australia
- Bounty Was a Packet Ship
- Bowling Green
- Boy That Burned in the Berryville Jail
- Boys of Kilkenny
- Boys will be Boys
- Braes of Balquidder
- Brave General Brock
- Brave Wolf or The Battle of Quebec
- Brave Wolfe(2)
- Bread and Fishes
- Bread and Roses
- Brennan on the Moor
- Breton Liberation Song
- Brian Boru (?)
- Brian O'Lynn (2)
- Bridge Over Troubled Water
- Bridget Flynn
- Bridget O'Malley
- Bright Morning Stars
- Brighton Camp
- Bring 'Em Down
- Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie
- Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie
- Bring Us In Good Ale
- Bring Us in Hot Tea
- Bringing In the Sheaves
- Brisk and Lively Lad
- Brisk Young Widow
- Britannia Mine
- British Grenadiers
- Broken-Down Squatter
- Broom O'er the Cowdenknowes
- Broomfield Wager
- Brother Noah
- Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
- Brown Adam
- Brown Gal in the Ring
- Brown Girl
- Brown Girl
- Brown Girl (Child #295)
- Brown Robin
- Brown's Ferry Blues
- Browned Off
- Bryan O'Lynn (1)
- Buck-Eyed Jim
- Buffalo Skinners
- Building Solomon's Temple
- Bullockie's Song
- Bullocky Oh
- Bulls of the Speewah
- Bully in the Alley
- Bunker Hill
- Burgundian Carol
- Burke and Hare
- Burns and his Highland Mary
- Bury Me Beneath the Willow
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Bushes and Briars
- Buttermilk Hill
- Buy a Penny Ginger
- Buy Broom Besoms
- By the Hush
- By the Waters of Babylon
- Byker Hill
