Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter j
- Jack Gardner's Crew
- Jack Tar (1)
- Jack the Sailor (Jackie Monroe)
- Jack Was Every Inch a Sailor
- Jack Williams
- Jackaroe
- Jackie Frazier
- Jambalaya
- James Bird
- James Campbell
- James MacDonald
- Jamie Come Try Me
- Jamie Foyer
- Jamie Judge
- Jealousy
- Jeff in Petticoats
- Jefferson and Liberty
- Jellon Graeme
- Jennifer Gentle (Three Sisters)
- Jennifer Gentle (Three Sisters)
- Jerry, Go an' Ile That Car
- Jersey Devil
- Jerusalem Moan
- Jesse James
- Jesse Munroe
- Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me
- Jim Blake's Message
- Jim Jones
- Jim Jones
- Jim Jones
- Jim, the Carter Lad
- Jimmie and Nancy
- Jimmie Raeburn
- Jimmy Randal
- Jimmy Randall
- Jimmy Whelan
- Jingle Bells
- Jo Reynard my Son
- Jock o' Hazeldine
- Jock the Leg
- Joe Bowers
- Joe Hill
- Joe Hill's Will
- Joe Turner
- Jog Along Till Shearing
- Jog On, Jog On
- John A. Munroe
- John Anderson, My Jo
- John Ball
- John Barleycorn
- John Barleycorn (3)
- John Barleycorn's a Hero Bold
- John Brown's Body
- John Cherokee
- John Come Kiss Me Now
- John Connolly, The Irish Rebel
- John Curtis
- John Dory
- John Henry
- John J. Curtis
- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
- John Kanaka
- John of Dreams
- John Peel
- John Rally
- John Reilly
- John Riley
- John Willow, My Son
- John, John the Water Man
- Johnie Scot
- Johnnie Armstrong
- Johnnie of Braidesly
- Johnnie Sangster
- Johnnie Troy
- Johnny and Jane
- Johnny and Molly
- Johnny and Old Mr. Henly
- Johnny Boker
- Johnny Booker
- Johnny Come Down To Hilo
- Johnny Cope
- Johnny Dhu
- Johnny Doyle
- Johnny Doyle
- Johnny Jump-Up
- Johnny Lad
- Johnny Lad
- Johnny Randall
- Johnny Randolph
- Johnny Randolph
- Johnny Rillus
- Johnny Schmoker
- Johnny Scott
- Johnny Todd
- Johnny with the Bandy Legs
- Johnson and the Colonel
- Johnson Boys
- Johnson Boys
- Join the British Army
- Jolie Blonde
- Jolly Roving Tar
- Jolly Tinker
- Jolly Young Sailor Boy
- Jon Jonson
- Jones' Ale
- Joseph Lieber, Joseph Mein
- Jovial Hunter
- Joy Upon This Earth
- Juan Murray
- Jubilate Deo
- Juley
- Jumpin' John
- Jumpin' Judy
- Just A Closer Walk With Thee
- Just Before the Battle, Mother
- Jute Mill, or Oh Dear Me
