Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter d
- Dabbling in the Dew
- Dad's a Millionaire
- Daddy, What's a Train?
- Daintie Davie
- Daisy Bell
- Dalesman's Litany or From Hull and Halif
- Dallas County Jail
- Dame Durden
- Dan Doo
- Dan Sullivan
- Dance Ti' THy Daddy
- Danger Waters
- Daniel Monroe
- Danny Boy (Londonderry Air)
- Danse des Foins
- Darby and Joan
- Darcy Farrow
- Dark as as Dungeon
- Dark Night
- Darlin'
- Darlin' Little Joe
- Darling Corey
- Darling Nelly Gray
- Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron
- Dashing White Sergeant
- Dashing White Sergeant
- Dashing White Sergeant
- Daughters of Feminists
- David's Lamentation
- Davy
- Davy Lowston
- De Boatman Dance
- De Colores
- Dear Adel My Son
- Dear Companion
- Dear Elizabeth
- Dear Molly
- Death and the Lady
- Death Come Easy
- Death of Queen Jane
- Death of Robin Hood
- Death's Gwinter Lay His Cold Icy Hands
- Deck the Halls
- Deep Blue Sea
- Delia
- Delia's Gone
- Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again
- Demon Fruitcake
- Deportee
- Depression Blues
- Derry Down
- Derwentwater's Farewell
- Derwentwater's Farewell
- Derwentwater's Farewell (2)
- Dese Bones Gwine To Rise Again
- Desperado
- Devil and the Farmer's Wife
- Devil Winston
- Devil's Dream
- Devilish Mary
- Devilish Mary (2)
- Diamond Joe
- Dicey Reilly
- Dick Darby, the Cobbler
- Didn't I Dance
- Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
- Dido, Fido
- Diesel and Shale
- Different Therefore Equal
- Dillan Bay
- Dink's Song (Noah's Dove)
- Dirty Old Town
- Disguised Sailor
- Ditchling Carol
- Dives and Lazarus
- Dixie's Land
- Dixon and Johnson
- Dixon and Johnson
- Do They Miss Me a Home?
- Do you Think I Do Not Know?
- Doffin' Mistress
- Dog and Gun
- Doing Time
- Dollia
- Dollia
- Dolly's Brae
- Don't Forget the Union Label
- Don't Let Your Deal Go Down
- Don't Sell Him Any More Rum
- Don't Take Away My PWA
- Don't You Be Foolish, Pray
- Don't You Hurry Worry With Me
- Don't You Weep After Me
- Dona Nobis Pachem
- Donald MacGillavry
- Done Laid Around
- Doney Gal
- Donkey Riding
- Donna Donna
- Donnybrook Fair
- Doodle Dandy
- Doodle Let Me Go
- Doon the Moor
- Doran's Ass
- Down Among the Dead Men
- Down and Out
- Down by the Brazos
- Down By the Liffeyside
- Down By The River
- Down By the Soputhern Jersey Shore
- Down By the Tan-Yard Side
- Down By the Waters Rolling
- Down Erin's Lovely Lee
- Down in my Sally's Garden
- Down in the Valley
- Down in the Willow Garden
- Down the River
- Down Went McGinty
- Down Where the Bees are Hummin'
- Down With the Old Canoe
- Down, Down, Down
- Doxology
- Draftee's Blues
- Draglines
- Dreary Black Hills
- Drill ye Tarriers, Drill
- Driman Duff
- Drimen Duff
- Drimindown
- Drink Old England Dry
- Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
- Drink To The Laddies
- Drink, Boys, Drink
- Drive Dull Care Away
- Drop a Nickle on the Drum
- Drover's Dream
- Drunk Last Night
- Dry Bones
- Dublin City
- Dublin City (Spanish Lady)
- Dublin Jack of All Trades
- dum-dum
- Dumb, Dumb, Dumb
- Dumbarton's Drums
- Dumbarton's Drums
- Dumiama Dingiama Dumiama Day
- Duncan Gray
- Dunlavin Green
- Durango
- Dusty Miller
- Dutch Warbler (Where, Oh Where)
