Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter h
- Hal An Tow
- Handsome Molly
- Hanging Johnny
- Hans Beimler
- Happy Days
- Happy roon' the Ingle Bleezin'
- Harbour Grace
- Harbour Le Cou
- Hard Life of the Cut
- Hard Times (Come again no more)
- Hard Times in Dixie
- Hard Times of Old England
- Hard Travelin'
- Hard, Ain't It Hard
- Hard, Hard Times
- Hares on the Mountain
- Harrison Town
- Harry the Tailor
- Harvest Away
- Harvey Logan
- Haselbury Girl
- Haste to the Wedding (Rural Felicity)
- Hatikvah
- Hatikvah
- Haud Awa'
- Haul Away for Rosie
- Haul Away Your Bowline
- Haul Away, Joe
- Haul Away, Joe
- Haul on the Bowline
- Have a Nice Day
- Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
- Hayseed
- He That Will an Alehouse Keep
- He's Coming to Us Dead
- He's Gone Away
- He's Nobody's Moggy Now
- Headin' For Halifax
- Hear Me Talkin' To Ya
- Heart of Oak
- Heather Down the Moor
- Heather on the Moor
- Heave Away, Me Johnnies
- Heaven Will Protect an Honest Girl
- Heavy-Hipted Woman
- Heenan and Sayers
- Heigh ho! My Nancy Oh
- Heigh-ho! For a Husband
- Heiress of Northumberland
- Helen of KirkConnel
- Hell in Texas
- Henry Joy
- Henry Martin
- Henry My Son
- Henry the Poacher
- Henry, My Son
- Henry, My Son
- Henry, My Son
- Henry, My Son
- Her Bright Smile Haunts me Still
- Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
- Here Lies a Woman
- Here We Come A-Wassailing
- Here's a Health to the Company
- Here's the Tender Comin'
- Here's to the Women
- Here's to You Rounders
- Here's Your Mule
- Heroes, British Heroes
- Herring Croon
- Herring the King
- Hey Ca' Thro'
- Hey Robin, Jolly Robin
- Hey Tuti Tatey
- Hick's Farewell
- Hieland Laddie
- High Barbaree
- High Barbaree
- High Chin Bob
- High Germany
- High-Toned Southern Gentleman
- Highland Mary
- Hilo, Boys, Hilo
- Hilo, Johnny Brown
- Hind Etin
- Hind Horn
- Hind Horn
- Hiram Hubbard
- Hitch Hike Blues
- Hobo's Lullaby
- Hold Back The Waters
- Hold My Hand, Lord Jesus
- Hold the Fort
- Hold Thy Peace
- Hollow Ground
- Holly and the Ivy
- Holly Twig
- Home Boys Home
- Home by Bearna
- Homeless Wassail
- Homeless Wassail
- Homeward Bound
- Honkytonk Asshole
- Hoosen Johnny
- Hop Up, My Ladies
- Hot Ashphalt
- Hound Dog
- Hound Dog Song
- House Carpenter
- House Carpenter
- House Carpenter or Demon Lover
- House of ther Rising Sun
- Housewife's Lament
- How Can I Keep From Singing?
- How Can I Keep My Maidenhead
- How Happy the Soldier
- How Long, How Long Blues
- How Luckless the Fortune
- How Should I your True Love Know?
- How Stands the Glass?
- Howard Carey
- Huckleberry Hunting
- Hughie Grame
- Hullabaloo Belay
- Hungry Hash House
- Hunt is Up
- Hunt the Buffalo
- Hurrah, Lie!
- Hush Alee
- Hush, Li'l Baby
- Huzza for Liberty
