Folk Songs from Digital Tradition - letter s
- Sae Far Awa
- Said the Blackbird to the Crow
- Sail Away Ladies
- Sailing in the Lowlands Low
- Sailor from Dover
- Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea
- Sailors' Alphabet
- Salangadou
- Sally Brown
- Sally Free and Easy
- Sally in our Alley
- Sally Munro
- Sally My Dear
- Sam Bass
- Sambo's Right to be Kilt
- Sammy Ring the Bell
- Sammy's Bar
- Samuel Allen
- Samuel Young
- San Francisco Bay Blues
- Santy Anna
- Sarah Jane
- Sari Marais
- Saskatchewan
- Saw You My Hero George
- Scalloped Potatoes
- Scarborough Fair
- Scarborough Fair
- Scarborough Sand
- School Days
- Schooners at Digby
- Scilly Rocks
- Scotland the Brave
- Scots Wha Ha'e Wi' Wallace Bled
- Scots Wha Hae
- Sean Sullivan
- Sean Van Voght
- Searching for Lambs
- Second of August
- Seeds of Love
- Selfish Runs the Hare
- Senor Don Gato
- Separation Blues
- Sept Ans Sur Mer
- Serafina
- Seven Cent Cotton and Forty Cent Meat
- Seven Gypsies on Yon Hill
- Seven Long Years
- Shadow You Have Seen
- Shady Grove
- Shake Sugaree
- Shall I Wasting in Despair
- Shallo Brown
- Shambuy (Sean Buidhe, Yellow/Fair John)
- Shame and Scandal
- Shamrock Shore
- Share Me With Texas
- Shawneetown
- She Is More To Be Pitied Than Censured
- She Lay All Naked in Her Bed
- She Moved Through the Fair
- She Perished in the Snow
- She Rose to Let Me In
- She Said the Same to Me
- She Was a Rum One
- She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
- She's Like the Swallow
- Shearing in a Bar
- Sheath and Knife
- Sheelicks
- Sheep-Shearing Song
- Sheffield Park
- Shellback Song
- Shenandoah
- Shickered as He Could Be
- Shiloh's Hill
- Shine On, Harvest Moon
- Shiny Gun (Hark the Herald Angels Sing)
- Ship in the Sky
- Ship That Never Returned
- Shoals of Herring
- Shores of Botany Bay
- Short Jacket (Cabin Boy)
- Short Jacket and White Trousers
- Shorty George
- Shule Aroon
- Si Me Quieres Escribir
- Signor Abbate
- Silent Night
- Silver Dollar
- Silver in the Stubble
- Silver Threads Among the Gold
- Silver Threads and Golden Needles
- Simon Slick
- Sims's Flotilla
- Since First I Saw Your Face
- Since Love Can Enter an Iron Door
- Since Maggie Went Away
- Sing Me a Song with Social Significance
- Sing Sally O!
- Single Girl
- Sinner Man
- Sioux Indians
- Sipping Cider
- Sir Arthur and Charming Mollee
- Sir Cawline
- Sir Eglamore
- Sir Hugh
- Sir James, the Rose
- Sir Patrick Spens
- Sister Jenny's Turn To Throw The Bomb
- Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts
- Sittin' on Top of the World
- Six Dukes Went A-Fishing
- Six Feet of Mud
- Six White Boomers
- Six White Boomers
- Sixteen on the Dole
- Skibbereen
- Skillet Good and Greasy
- Skip To My Lou
- Slav Ho!
- Sleeping for the Flag
- Slievanamon
- Slieve Gallen Braes
- So Handy
- Sodger Laddie
- Sodger Laddie
- Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me
- Somebody's Darling
- Someday Soon
- Somerset Wassail
- Song For Ireland
- Song o the Sons of Liberty
- Song of a Thousand Years
- Song of the Fish-Gutters
- Song of the Fishes
- Song of the Mira
- Song of the Red Man
- Song On Courtship
- Song on the Victory of Agincourt
- SongA from Sandy Wilber
- SongA from Sandy Wilber
- Sonny's Dream
- Sons of Sorrow
- Soon One Mornin' Death Come Creepin'
- Sorrows Away (Thousands or More)
- Sorry the Day I Was Married
- Sospan Voch (The Little Saucepan)
- Soul Cakes
- Sound Off! (Duckworth Chant)
- Sourkraut
- South Australia
- Southern Blues
- Sovay
- Sow Got the Measles
- Sowin' on the Mountain
- Spanish is the Loving Tongue
- Spanish Ladies
- Spanish Lady (2)
- Spencer the Rover
- Spinning Wheel
- Sportin' Bachelors
- Sportin' Life Blues
- Sportin' Life Blues
- Springfield Mountain
- Springfield Mountain
- Springfield Mountain
- Springfield Mountain
- Springhill Mine Disaster (1891)
- Squalor
- St. Patrick Was a Gentleman
- St. Stephen and Herod
- Staines Morris
- Star of Belle Isle
- Star of the County Down
- Starvation Blues
- Starving to Death on my Government Claim
- State of Arkansaw
- Stay, My Charmer, Can You Leave Me
- Steal Away
- Stenka Razin
- Step It Out, Nancy
- Step Stone
- Stern Old Bachelor
- Stewball
- Stewball
- Still I Love Him
- Stokes's Verdict
- Stonewall Jackson's Way
- Stormalong
- Stormy Weather, Boys
- Strafe the Town and Kill the People
- Stratton Mountain Tragedy
- Streams of Lovely Nancy
- Streets of Laredo
- Stung Right
- Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation
- Sumer Is Icumen In
- Sunday Morning (I'll be Married)
- Supper Isna Ready
- Survivor Leave
- Susan Strayed the Briny Beach
- Susannah Clargy
- Sussex Toast
- Swallowed a Fly
- Swannanoa Tunnel
- Sweet and Lovely
- Sweet and Low
- Sweet Carnloch Bay
- Sweet Cootehill Town
- Sweet Fern
- Sweet Jane
- Sweet Lovely Joan
- Sweet Nelson
- Sweet Rosy O'Grady
- Sweet Thames Flow Softly
- Sweet Violets
- Sweet William's Ghost
- Sweet William, My Son
- Sweet Wyoming Home
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
