Re: Thomas Newman

Re: Thomas Newman    16:50 on Friday, August 1, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Does anyone know where I can get the music for the perdition piano duet? I`m going mad not being able to play it. Thanks.

Re: Perdition Piano Duet    18:35 on Thursday, August 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I also would very much like to get my hands on a copy of the Road to Perdition piano duet, written actually by John M Williams, not by Thomas Newman.

Even if it is just a midi, purely because I want to know how to play the song and its taking a while to figure it out. Please I would be very grateful it a reply was posted or somebody emailed me.

Thanx in advance,

Meet joe black midi    13:13 on Thursday, September 25, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I think im going to make a few of you very happy, cause i know i had a smile plastered on my face for a week. I have a programe which you download from the net called
I have managed to download just about EVERY thomas newman track as an MP3, and for many, just the music is enough to figure it out. Im in heaven! have a look

Huh?    15:50 on Thursday, September 25, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I don`t exactly know what you`re supposed to do at this site--does it create sheet music out of an mp3 or something? I don`t understand what you`re saying, please explain.

program    04:16 on Friday, September 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

No, it`s a program for downloading music just like Kazaa.

overnet    04:19 on Friday, September 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

He/She`s probably recommending you download `overnet` if you haven`t got any of Thomas Newmans` songs. Overnet is a P2P(peer2peer) program for you to download music on; like kazaa. It can`t make sheet music out of mp3s.

Hope that answered your Q!

Oooh...    17:20 on Friday, September 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Ahh, I see. That makes sense. Thanks

welcome    19:45 on Sunday, September 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You`re welcome!

Newman    05:07 on Thursday, October 9, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I just found "plastic bag theme" in Kazaa from the motion picture "shawshank redemption" and "American Beauty" thanks to this forum. Are there any people who can tell me where I can find the tablature of this great composition. Please let me know and I will look if I have some pianosheetmusic in exchange. Thanks


thomas newman    07:12 on Monday, October 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i couldn`t find any thomas newman sheet music last time i went looking for sheet music. I ended up buying howard shore and jim brickman peices. I`ll keep looking.

Also check out: Thomas Newman - Finding Nemo (opening theme)

Plastic Bag Theme    00:29 on Friday, October 17, 2003          
(Catherine A.)
Posted by Archived posts

I was wondering if I could also be sent Thomas Newman`s "Plastic Bag Theme." I have been looking for this beautiful work for a while but haven`t had much luck... If anyone can send it to me, that would be wonderful! Thank you so much!

sorry    11:37 on Sunday, October 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I have a feeling that the chances of someone sending me the sheet music to the Thomas Newmans "plastic bag theme" are very slim, I really dont want to be a pain but would love to be able to play it by christmas as a present for my gran.

I would be so greatfull if you could post me a copy.
my e-mail is


Thomas Newman    17:57 on Sunday, October 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Just three words "he is amazing" could someone please send me a score of anything of his i don`t care what it is! i just want 2 play his work, cheers!

Re: Thomas Newman    05:55 on Wednesday, October 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


I`m trying to get hold of the sheet music (piano) of Thomas Newman`s "any other name". Can anyone help me out.

Re: Thomas Newman - Meet Joe Black    11:49 on Thursday, October 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Don`t know if it helps, but the peice of music in Meet Joe Black By Thomas Newman is called Whisper Of A Thrill, and i`m pretty sure it`s out on sheet.


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