Re: Thomas Newman

Re: Thomas Newman    18:28 on Monday, October 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

AHH!! I need "Road to Chicago" from Road to Perdition!! AHH!! I want it... please somebody find it... I can`t find it.. nobody ever publishes the good stuff.....

Thomas Newman    23:25 on Monday, October 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hey ya,
i`m after Thomas Newman`s theme from American beauty as well. does any1 knw a web site for it, or if u hav it, please send it 2 my email.
y r this so hard 2 find on the interent?


Re: Thomas Newman    07:28 on Saturday, November 1, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey everybody. does anyone happen to have the sheet music of `Road to Perdition` by Thomas Newman? That guy really shines and i can`t sleep without hearing that song. Please, please, please someone send me a copy of it and many many many many thanks all round.

salton sea trumpet solo    21:33 on Monday, November 3, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi i just stumbled upon this forum and am in horrible need of an answer.

im not entierly sure if it is the work of Thomas Newman but there is a solo at the begining of the movie "the salton sea."

I absolutly love that song and as a trumpet player would give any thing to learn how to play it.

I think it is called "First wife."

if any body happens to know or even better has the sheet music to it i would be very greatful.


Thomas Newman    15:40 on Friday, November 7, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hello all,
I have been dying for the last two months over a clip of a song that i heard, Last night i found out that it is called "brooks was here" Is there anyway someone might be able to help me find the notes that are the main hook, or sheet music, I am a dj and would like so very much to sample this. Any help is much appreciated and thanked for in advance.


Re: Thomas Newman    20:47 on Friday, November 7, 2003          
(ty klip)
Posted by Archived posts

about a million people have asked for the thomas newman sheets, and i think i am a million and 1. i would really appreciate anything from american beauty. great music. thank you very much

newman    20:50 on Friday, November 7, 2003          
(ty klip)
Posted by Archived posts

email is from previous post

Road to Perdition    00:53 on Tuesday, November 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi everyone, I’ve been looking everywhere for the sheet music of Road to Perdition, but I can`t find it anywhere. I was fascinated and I must have that sweet soulful music. Could someone please help me by sending them to me or at least tell me where I could get them. I would be so grateful. Many thanks.

Re: Thomas Newman    22:39 on Wednesday, November 12, 2003          
(Tyler Goudlock)
Posted by Archived posts

I like the rest of you, love listening to his moving music and was wondering if the person who is arranging the song could send me a copy of it to. i would love to rearrange it for full ensemble.


My two cents...    22:50 on Wednesday, November 12, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Alright, I suppose I should just clear the air here so I can save everyone the trouble of asking...

I`m 99.99% sure that the sheet music for "Road to Perdition" does not exist; well, let me rephrase that. It exists, of course, but I don`t think it was ever meant to be manufactured and sold to the general public. I`ve searched for about a year and a half now for the sheet music for "RTP" and have come up with absolutely nothing. I live in Chicago and even called one of the most well-known sheet music stores in the city asking them if they had it or knew anything about it, and they said "no" to both--now, this company has been around for about 100 years, so they ARE one of the best around. And if THEY don`t carry it (let alone not know anything about it), chances are it`s not out there for us to purchase.

Your best bet is to sound it out and play it by ear yourself, which is what I have been doing for the past couple of months. I`ve written out a bit of the music to "Road to Chicago" (one of my favorite tracks, personally), and I`ve been fairly successful. But it`s not that far into the song, believe me, haha. I`ve also tried my hand at the actual theme (entitled "Road to Perdition"), which I haven`t been AS successful at, but you just have to keep trying and experimenting. It sounds difficult to do, and I won`t lie to you, it is. But you just gotta keep trying, which is what I have done, and I have gotten some positive results.

So yeah... that`s just MY advice/outlook on the whole RTP sheet music deal. You don`t have to necessarily agree with it, I`m just putting in my two cents

hello again ;)    13:19 on Thursday, November 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

uhh hey Jen... umm... if you get that Road to Chicago thing even semi-done... could you possibly send it to me? I`ve tried sounding the notes out... but I can`t find them all and there`s alot of blanks. If you could send it to me possibly, that would be terrific. Thank you very much!

brooks was here    16:02 on Tuesday, November 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been searching for sheet music for `brooks was here` for ages now. It is part of the Shawshank Redemption soundtrack -- Brooks was the character who carved "brooks was here" into a beam that he hung himself from -- not that you need to know that to appreciate the music.

If anyone has an idea where I could find the sheet music for "brooks was here" or anything from Shawshank Redemption, please reply.


thomas newman    16:59 on Wednesday, November 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

jen- i too would really really love to have a copy of anything you have for RTP music. if you get a chance could you please send me a copy...thanks so much!!! -bh

Re: Thomas Newman    21:35 on Sunday, November 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

does anyone know where i could possibly get the sheet music for the music in "little women" i`ve wanted to play the theme song for forever, but cannot find the music. if anyone knows where i can find this or if you have it or something, PLEASE respond. a million thanks.

Donde reside el amor BSO    09:20 on Tuesday, November 25, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hola! buscando paginas de Thomas Newman por el Google he dado con este foro, y quería preguntar si alguien tiene la cancion esa tan bonita de la banda sonora de "Donde reside el amor" (How To Make An American Quilt). Hace poco TVE hizo un Spot de Urgencias con esa canción. Creo q se llama Sophia pero no estoy segura. He buscado en el Kazaa y no viene ninguna cancion de la Banda sonora de esta pelicula. En el Emule y en el Overnet viene solo una q se llama "American Quilt" q al parecer también es el tema principal de la peli, aunque ESA NO ES LA Q BUSCO!!!
Me da mucha rabia no encontrarla por ningun lado, Alguno de vosotros la tiene? La necesito!!!
Un beso


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