Music Files?

Music Files?    20:49 on Tuesday, January 4, 2005          
(S. Jones)
Posted by Archived posts

Can someone who has them please send me any of the following: The American Beauty Theme/Plastic Bag theme or Angela Undress, the perdition piano duet, road to chicago or any other Road to Perdition music, please send it to I`d really appreciate and I`ll try to return the favor with some sheet music you want, thanks.

Angela Undress    07:20 on Thursday, May 12, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hello all

This link takes you to and a book called great piano solos (black). The song in question should be in it....

And since we are on the subject.... Anybody heard / compared this piece of music to the Arvo Pärt composition "Fratres" for viola and piano (the 1980 version). If you get a chance, compare the piano part that comes after about 1.15 of the mentioned Fratres version with the piano figure from this song......

Re: Thomas Newman    19:41 on Thursday, May 19, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

yeah, I`m a fan of his new composition in the movie `A Series Of Unfortunate Events` I fell in love with the music the second I heard it.

Can I get sheet music?    19:44 on Thursday, May 19, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

sorry for double posting, I was wondering if someone could get me sheet music for the song The Letter That Never Came from A Series Of Unfortunate Events

Re: Thomas Newman    13:39 on Thursday, May 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i was searching on google + i found this. Well anyway i`d really like to download that any othe name song-its so relaxing + i`ve tried to buy it but they dont have it any more-and i also cant take the hassle of buying online, so does anyone know where theres a link to listen to the song? it`d be great if i could save it on windows media

Thomas Newman - Possibly the greatest film composer ever    12:49 on Wednesday, July 27, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

As well as a few other composers, I agree with every single one of the preceeded replies concerning the beauty of Thomas Newman`s pieces.

What I can`t understand is why the people who are desperate to get their hands on sheet music from his pieces have spent apparently 2 years trying to do so.

I too began trying to find some, but failed not unlike most of you have and will, but if you want it that bad you should really go to the source. Unlike (an I`m making an assumption here) everyone who`s posted something over the last 3 years on this forum, I have met Mr. Newman through desperation of acquiring some sheet music (and being a university film student) and believe me, he was more than happy to make a couple of copies.

Now, don`t even bother taking the soft option and asking me whether I can send em over, because I`m not going to do it. If you are that desperate to play one of the greats, you should take the time to find out how you can contact Mr. Newman. Believe me, I`m sure he`d love to hear you`re a fan of his and wouldn`t mind helping you out - every composer loves to hear their music played by someone else. Besides, he`s a hell of a great guy too.

If you do have the patience to actually try to contact Mr. Newman, my fisrt advice would be to contact the record company.

Hope this helps... you only get out what you put in

Maggot rocks    22:34 on Sunday, August 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi Maggot, that`s amazing that you met Newman. I, not unlike the variety of people ahead of me, am looking for the sheet music to Meet Joe Black for a string quartet to play at my wedding next year. I hope your advice works...I`m not a film student and I really have no connections, but I`m willing to put a few man hours into getting what I want. Thanks for the was so simple

Thomas Newman    18:01 on Wednesday, September 7, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts


You said you got the sheet music directly from Thomas Newman and you think all of the thousands of people who want the music should go directly to Newman and get it from him.

Somehow I think that would be quite a nuisance for him, as well as making a simple task exceedingly cumbersome for lots of people.

Here`s a better idea: Why don`t you just send what you have to ONE person - me - and I will post it online so that anybody who wants it can get it readily.

You would be doing a lot of people a big favor, and saving Newman a mostrous headache.

Thomas Newman    05:29 on Tuesday, September 20, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

If you`re trying to work out some of Thomas Newman`s music, here is something to get you started:

This site has the part of the music from `Road to Perdition` `The Shawshank Redemption` & "Meet Joe Black`, all as PDF files.

No such luck    19:19 on Friday, October 7, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I did attempt to contact Thomas Newman by mail and contacted his office and as expected, there is no way to reach him. Unless any of you are able to fly out to L.A. and personally hunt him down, the chances are slim you will be able to get a hold of his sheet music.

Thanks for the latest website with PDF files of his music. Unfortunately, I`m looking for Meet Joe Black for my wedding and I would really like to have "That Next Place" for the string quartet. If any of you have suggestions or know of someone that is able to create sheet music by ear (it`s a stretch, I know) then please let me know. Thanks!

Re: Music Files?    23:50 on Tuesday, February 7, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by dman988

How would one go about tracking Mr. Newman down?

Re: Thomas Newman    00:51 on Thursday, June 22, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by d_e_s

There have been tons of posts about Thomas Newman begging for sheet music from various soundtracks. I just wanted to post this to help out anyone who is looking for Newman's sheet music. Here's a summary of what has been found out:

This is a link for sheet music from these films:
Meet Joe Black - Forbidden Love
Road to Perdition - Piano Duet and Road to Chicago
Horse Whisperer - The Vast Continent, Voice of God, and Montana
Shawshank Redemption - Stoic Theme

Now, there are a few other available selections from a different site:
American Beauty - Any Other Name
Little Women - Under the Umbrella (end title from film)
Six Feet Under - Theme
These are available at Just do a search for Thomas Newman in the Composer category. Please note that you must pay to download them.

If you're looking for:
American Beauty - Theme
American Beauty - Angela Undress
American Beauty - Plastic Bag theme
Road to Perdition - Piano Duet
Road to Perdition - Chicago Theme
The Green Mile - end title and do a search again by composer name.


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