Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
21:47 on Thursday, June 5, 2003
(Joseph M. Rozell)
For any of you who have played or recieved my arrangement of A Beautiful Mind`s All Love Can Be, I also have a Beautiful arrangement of the piece from Casper that is becoming an underground hit on the inernet.
Please email me at to recieve your copy.
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
13:40 on Monday, June 16, 2003
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
13:31 on Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Hi Joseph Thank`s For Sending Me Casper`s Lullaby, You Have Done A Lovely Arrangement Of It :-) Horner Would Be Proud
You Should Be A Profeshnal.
italic text Thank You
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
23:32 on Monday, July 21, 2003
(Joseph Rozell)
ive been on vacation for a while sorry for the late arrrival
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
14:20 on Monday, August 11, 2003
(b mac)
can sum1 send the score to me? thanks
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
21:36 on Saturday, August 23, 2003
ooo plz!!!! plz send me a copy!i`v been tryin to figure the notes out by ear, but its not goin to well.plz email me the song!i would luv to b able to play such a beautiful piece!plz send me a copy!!
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
12:17 on Sunday, August 24, 2003
Hi im so sorry i dont have the sheet in my pc any more :-( but i`ll tell you the nots and you can try and playing from what i tell you,
Play E EC E EC ECBAGABG <---Play this bit with Am chourd (make the bass up to fit) play the C`s Above the E`s!,
E EB E EB E <---Play Em chourd (make up bass) All that X2
C CA C CA CA GF EF GE D DA D DA DA DA D F <---- Use F chourd for all that bit,
E (HOLD IT) G# B E D# <----E chourd
B G# <------G# chourd ,
G# B E D#C# <-------E chored
B G# <-----G# chourd
A G# F# E <-----D chourd
A F# G#<----------F# chourd
A G# F# E<----------D chourd
A F# <----F# chourd
G# B A G# <----E
F# G# F# E<-----G#
D# EF# E D#C#<-----------A
B A G# F# <----A
AG# F#A G E<-----E
D# C# B BA <-------A
AG# F#A G# E<-----E
D C B A <-----A
G# F# <----E
(Now play the first bit agein ( E EC E <--- WITH Am ect.)
That is prity much it you mack make it up from there
Hope you under stand what i have put
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
16:02 on Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Is it possible for anyone to send me the score to "Casper`s Lullaby"? It amazes me that no one has an available version of this beautiful piece... Thanx!
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
16:03 on Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Is it possible for anyone to send me the score to "Casper`s Lullaby"? It amazes me that no one has an available version of this beautiful piece... Thanx!
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
15:01 on Wednesday, November 12, 2003
did anyone get a copy of Casper`s Lullaby on sheet music? If you did could someone e-mail me a copy, i`ve been looking for it for ages. my e-mail is
Thanks alot
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
00:06 on Thursday, January 8, 2004
anyone able to send me a copy of the sheet music.. its a beautiful song id like to play
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
07:25 on Saturday, January 17, 2004
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
16:56 on Tuesday, April 27, 2004
can someone plz hook it up with casper`s lullaby thx appreciate it.
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
01:32 on Sunday, June 6, 2004
You can find the piece for $5 at is you just type in "casper" in the search bar.  Hope that helps.
Re: Casper`s Lullaby by James Horner
12:41 on Sunday, June 6, 2004
Just go to They have the musci there, as well as many other great pieces.