Music from CSI: Miami
16:23 on Friday, August 29, 2003
I have 30 seconds with music from CSI: Miami, Episode 1:02.
You can hear the music here:
I really want the whole music, and I wondered if anyone knew what the name of the title and artist of this music is?
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
17:02 on Tuesday, September 9, 2003
This is so strange. I have been trying to find the name of this song as well for over 2 weeks. I`m not sure, but I think it might be by Bjork. It sounds like her style. I have been researching for hours and if I don`t come up with an answer soon I`m going to record it and go to a record shop and play it for them. Good luck.
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
10:05 on Wednesday, September 10, 2003
I know what the name of the song is now!
The artist is FC Kahuna and the name of the song is Hayling
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
22:09 on Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Does anyone know the closing music from last weeks CSI:Miami? I think the name might be "Alleluia".
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
18:35 on Friday, October 3, 2003
Does anyone know what song played at the end of Monday Sept. 29th episode of CSI Miami?
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
23:22 on Monday, October 6, 2003
(Brad Cheshire)
that was Oasis it is called "The Masterplan" I liked it too, so I just went to google and did a search for some of the lyrics I remembered and found the song... Awesome song.. Hope you enjoy it
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
23:10 on Monday, October 13, 2003
What was the name of the song that played at the memorial service of the tennis girl that was killed?? (the last scene of the show)
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
23:18 on Monday, October 13, 2003
I`m pretty sure the song is "Gabriel" by Lamb. I loved that song too.
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
00:43 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Thank you so much!! I got on Google right after the show to look for that song, Gabriel. That`s how I found you guys. Excellent resource.
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
04:03 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Gabriel, by Lamb was a cool choice. Can someone tell me what the other song was? It played around halfway thru the show (the Tennis guy episode again). I really liked what I heard of that one. It was in that electronica style but also had a heavy guitar sound at one point. Anyone?
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
08:21 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
I`ve watched this show a few times and find myself continually amazed by the music in it. I wish they made a soundtrack. Alias has some pimpin` tunes as well. Thanks 4 the resources!
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
13:02 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Am also wondering about the song played during "Tennis Episode." Rather, heavy, electronic, they played it during the lab scene about half-way through. Sounded great. Would appreciate some help.
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
17:55 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
20:39 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Ya I been trying to find that song that was in the middle of the Tennis Episode (Death Grip) Anyone???
Re: Music from CSI: Miami
00:43 on Wednesday, October 15, 2003
the song from the episode `death grip` with the electronic song is called `gonna make it there,` by baxter.