A Flute`s lowest note

A Flute`s lowest note    14:22 on Saturday, March 26, 2005          
(Maestro S.)
Posted by Archived posts

I`m currently trying to arrange a song for my middle school`s orchestra, and I was wondering what the absolute lowest note is that you can play on a flute. This is important, so could someone please, please, PLEASE get back to me on this quick.

Re: A Flute`s lowest note    14:29 on Saturday, March 26, 2005          
(M. A.)
Posted by Archived posts

A standard student flute goes down to low C. There are a few exceptions, though, most intermediate/professional and some of the more expensive student flutes have a B-foot instead of a C-foot and they can go down to low B. And I also believe that alto flutes can go to low A. So it really depends on what you`re composing for. Although, I don`t suggest making the flutes go any lower than C. Most students find it harder to play in the lower register. Very few pieces go that low anyway.

Re: A Flute`s lowest note    14:37 on Saturday, March 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Yes, you need to practice a lot to get a clear low C, and unless there are like 10~15 flutes that can play the low C, you have a small chance of actually hearing the low notes on the flute.

Re: A Flute`s lowest note    14:56 on Saturday, March 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i don`t recommend you write music that low... no one will be able to hear it. but it`s middle C for most school insturments. hope that helps. make `em do an ear piercing-ly high melody. that, you`ll be able to ear. lol.


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