how do u get the scratchy jazzy sound out of your sax?
how do u get the scratchy jazzy sound out of your sax?
21:47 on Thursday, May 15, 2003
(saxophone guy)
im trying to find out how to get that jazzy sound out of my sax,and im clueless on how and my teeacher is no good,so what can i do?
Re: how do u get the scratchy jazzy sound out of your sax?
17:53 on Friday, May 16, 2003
Re: how do u get the scratchy jazzy sound out of your sax?
17:58 on Friday, May 16, 2003
Ohh, my bad, you WANT that sound. Oops. I was thinking of the wrong scratchy sound too.
Re: how do u get the scratchy jazzy sound out of your sax?
00:19 on Wednesday, December 17, 2003
get a jazz mouthpiece such as a yanagisawa, dukoff, Selmer, or otto link. I ould reccommend yanagisawa because they can get very loud and are very adjustaable, same with beechler. Drop your lower jaw and blow without really putting your teeth on the mouthpiece and just kind of play with it. Expierment with the different sounds you can make.