start playing a violin

start playing a violin    06:36 on Friday, June 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I would like to play a violin. In school i was playing a piano, and now for about two years i play a classical guitar, but now i would like to try a violin. Could anyone tell me if playing the violin is much heavily than guitar? I have one problem, i do not have musical ear, so i can just play from notes. Is this a problem for playing a violin?
Have fun with music!

Re: start playing a violin    08:33 on Friday, June 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

well, if you`re gonna play violin, its much like guitar, except that you DO need a bit of a musical ear. There`s no frets, so you`ve gotta learn where to put you`re fingers (exactly where to put them) and this comes with being able to recognise aurally whether or not you`re in tune. I`ve played for 5 years, and you really do need to be able to distinguish the tuning. However, that comes with practice, and taking up something like the violin is a great way to develop your aural skills.

If you`re good at guitar then that may help with violin. I worked the other way; played violin and i`ve now taken up guitar, and its been easy because i`m used to having boths hands work very independantly. THat`s the main similarity really. So you should find the technical work fairly straightforward, and you`re ability to detect the correct pitch will be something that learning violin will help you develop.

Hope that helps



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