concerning hobbits
01:54 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004
if anyone has the music fof the hobbit theme in clarinet (Bb), could you please email me, i`d really love to have a copy!
Hi, can I have, plz...
09:06 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004
(Polly Pink)
Hi ppl, could i have all the sheets from this book? Even though I dunno how this website works, may I have those scores? Thxx!!!
15:18 on Tuesday, June 1, 2004
anything from ROTK out there?
11:22 on Sunday, June 6, 2004
can ne one send me violin sheet music for lotr as much and as soon as posibal please and thank you
In a Dream
17:02 on Tuesday, June 8, 2004
I have in a dream in SHeet music, i`ll start trying to get it on here asap, it may already be out here somewhere, but since this is my first time here, i ain`t gonna go trhough all 43 tabs.
ANyway i`ll try and get it on here asap
In a Dream
17:03 on Tuesday, June 8, 2004
I have in a dream in SHeet music, i`ll start trying to get it on here asap, it may already be out here somewhere, but since this is my first time here, i ain`t gonna go trhough all 43 tabs.
Anyway i`ll try and get it on here asap
Its for Piano BTW
please email (and some free music here too)
17:16 on Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Hey- if anyone an send me any
lotr sheet music i`d be grateful-
email at
BTW i worked this out
e ddd e (higher)abc bag aba
g f# e ddde abc bcd cde
thank if you can- email me
16:12 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
does anyone have lotr sheet music for flute?
if you can, email it to me at
Re: Free Lord of the Rings Sheet Music
19:50 on Thursday, June 10, 2004
ya if anyone finds any free band arrangements from LOTR please let me know...piano is also appriciated!!!!!
it`s good
14:43 on Friday, June 11, 2004
i have this piano book it`s great
Send it
18:29 on Friday, June 11, 2004
(Polly Pink)
Could you send me some of those sheets, so?
Re: Free Lord of the Rings Sheet Music
15:26 on Monday, June 14, 2004
Share the wealth
15:37 on Monday, June 21, 2004
"A Knife in the Dark" music for piano
14:40 on Thursday, June 24, 2004
Does anyone have the sheet music for "A Knife in the Dark" for piano? And if so could you please e-mail it to me or (if you found it on the internet) please put up a link to the site where it was found? Thanks a lot, I`ve been dying for this song.
piano music
15:46 on Thursday, June 24, 2004
(charlie lamb)
no one ever gives useful info here, i`ve tried