brand of saxophne

brand of saxophne    20:01 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004          
(curtis mckinney)
Posted by Archived posts

I just want to find out some inf. on the helmke saxophone.

Re: brand of saxophne    20:55 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


i was looking at those on ebay, too. i hear they`re crap unfortunately. only sold over the internet, NOT made to last - better to seek out an instrment that you can play before you buy, OR a name that you can trust - i.e.: Selmer, Yamaha, or Conn. (I`ve played one of all three - student models, but decent sound and easy to play - and they stodd up to a lot of playing)

Re: brand of saxophne    22:29 on Monday, January 26, 2004          
(curtis mckinney)
Posted by Archived posts

thank you


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