New flute for high school player

New flute for high school player    20:19 on Sunday, June 20, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I am in my freshman year in high school and I have played flute for 5 years. Recently, oboe has become my primary instrument, and more recently, my flute has gone missing. I still need a flute for marching band and the occasional day that I feel like playing flute. I don`t know what brand to buy or where to get a good one. All I need is a decent flute for a low cost.

Re: New flute for high school player    18:59 on Saturday, September 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

try this one, it looks totally awesome and is pretty cheap! its also new!

Re: New flute for high school player    06:55 on Sunday, January 9, 2005          
(Kate Hosier)
Posted by Archived posts

I`m also looking for a flute (I can probably only afford a second hand one). I`ve never played before, but I`ve been advised to go for a silver plated one with a c-footjoint, offset G and split E, also to go for closed hole keys.
I`ve also been advised to go for Yamaha (but that are so expensive!!!).
Have you found one that you could recommend?
Kate xx

Re: New flute for high school player    11:20 on Thursday, March 24, 2005          
(Ed Huber)
Posted by Archived posts

I have a yamaha 211S on ebay right now, low reserve!

Take a look!


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