I want to play the clarinet. Help!

I want to play the clarinet. Help!    14:28 on Monday, June 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


I have an "ear" for music and play the piano. I also have some basic knowledge of music reading, but prefer to just "play by ear". Many years ago, in school, we had a short course in playing something called a "Tonette", which was a small, plastic, sort of wind instrument with holes for all the fingers. I immediately was able to play almost anything I wanted to on it, instinctively, though its note range was limited. I have always thought I would be able to learn to play the Clarinet, and recently picked up one at an estate sale, just for fun. I was given a new reed for it, which is a 3-1/2. It appears to be in good shape, but I cannot get a sound out of it. I have read about the "embrouchure", wetting the reed, how to hold the lips, and so forth, but cannot get it to make a sound. Can someone give me a few pointers, like how far in the mouth do you hold the mouthpiece,and do you do anything with the tongue, and how hard should you have to blow? When I can get it to make sounds, after a while, I believe I can figure out the fingering. Any help will be SO appreciated.




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