J.H. Rottenburgh (1672-1765)

J.H. Rottenburgh (1672-1765)    16:38 on Monday, June 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I am doing research on Joannes Hyacinth Rottenburgh who manufactured barqoue oboes in Brüssels, Belgium.
Jean-Hyacinth-Joseph Rottenburgh was living and working in Brüssels, Belgium from 1672 to 1765. He represents the middle of 3 generations of instrument builders of this family. He also made recorders.
I would appreciate it anyone could supply me with historical inforamtion concerning him and his family or leads where I could look.
I am also looking for photographs or drawings of his instruments, particularly his oboes.
Any information will be greatly appreciated. Please reply to me at ,my email address: rkatz2552@aol.com.
Thank you! Richard


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