It could be any of those things. A harder reed will probably yield a darker, louder sound(I prefer hard reeds). I have found it difficult to produce loudness on a soft reed. A bassoon may be almost impossible to play loudly if it does not want to be played loudly; a bore size that does not go hand-in-hand with loud playing won`t play loudly. It could be you, experiment with you throat, lips, toungue. See if you can`t produce a more in-your-face tone.
In the band that I played with I had a solo, because I have the best tone in the band. The bassoon I was using had a warm tone, but projection was a problem. All I could really do was take a big breath and blow and blow hard.
If it`s not your reed then you may want to try different models of bassoon, borrow from a friend. If you that doesn`t help, I guess it`s you. :P