Hey, what`s your story?
16:48 on Tuesday, October 5, 2004
(sorry if someone has done this already, I`m new here)
My name is Christine and I started playing flute in the fourth grade after playing recorder (EVIL THINGS!) in third grade. I`ve played under four different band directors, and only my present one has actually taught me anything about the true meaning of music. I`m a junior in high school now and I`ve switched over to bassoon in concert band and alto sax in pep band. I also play guitar and a little piano in my spare time. I`ve been in the choir off and on for 7 years and have always been a soprano.
That said, what about you?
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
23:04 on Tuesday, October 5, 2004
(lil miss piano girl)
i started a year and a half ago on the piano. Since then i`ve progressed to intermediate levels of difficulty, such as Fur Elise (Ludwig Van Beethoven.)
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
23:06 on Tuesday, October 5, 2004
(lil miss piano girl)
sorry, it may not be such a difficult piece for you but i`m only 13.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
23:18 on Tuesday, October 5, 2004
pie would you shut up.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
12:35 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004
(M. A.)
Hi, Chrissy. I`ve been playing piano for 9 years, flute for 5, saxophone (soprano, alto and tenor) and accordion for 3, and clarinet for 2. I`ve been in my school`s choir for three years now as a high alto. I`m 16 years old and live in Canada.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
12:36 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004
(M. A.)
And I just started on guitar 7 months ago.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
21:18 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004
lil miss piano girl: I`m very impressed that you can play Fur Elise on the piano. I`m only able to play a few songs that I learned by ear, because, you see piano isn`t really my forte. (hehe, get it?....I`m lame. =P)
M.A.: Isn`t in great how time just flies when you play an instrument? Nine years...wow, that`s really amazing. I just took up saxophone a few weeks ago, and since the fingerings are pretty much the same compared to flute, I`m picking it up pretty quickly. I`m curious, have you entered any contests like your area`s All-Suburban Band?
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
21:40 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004
(lil mis piano girl)
Thanks Chrissy. This may be a silly question but if you`re a high school junior, what year are you in? Sorry - i live in Australia and we don`t have juniors in high school, so it makes me a year 7.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
18:21 on Thursday, October 7, 2004
(M. A.)
Yes, I have. We have an annual Talent Show in my area. This year my sister and I entered in it and we won first place with a piano/cello duet.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
18:37 on Thursday, October 7, 2004
lil miss piano girl: Junior in high school is eleventh grade. I graduate next year, huzzah! Hehehe, but that`s cool. Where in Australia do you live?
M.A.: That`s fantastic! There`s only one cello player here but she doesn`t play. Pity, really. Congratulations on winning first place. Our band won second place at the school talent show. Honestly, I think the choir did better, but ah well.
Re: Hey, what`s your story?
20:13 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
Hiya evryone,
I`m a freshman in hs...thats 9th grade. I`m 14 yrs old.
I played flute since 5th grade and I just started playing piano a few months ago. The first song I played on piano was fur elise...now i`m onto Concrete angel, The entertainer and God bless the USA. I will be just starting the Oboe very soon. I am in the chorus and have been ever since we could take chorus. Miss.Gina Lehman is the best chorus teacher ever...I miss her sooooo much!!!