bass clarinet mouthpeice ligature and reeds

bass clarinet mouthpeice ligature and reeds    13:15 on Wednesday, January 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Does anyone think that a bass clarinet mouthpeice ligature and box of 10 rico #2 reeds is a good value at $68.78?
i am a beginer bass clarinet player and plan to use the schools because i cant afford one for myself.

Re: bass clarinet mouthpeice ligature and reeds    16:44 on Monday, July 11, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

NO!!! If you are a beginner, you should just go to your local music store and pick up a ligature for like $15 and a box of reeds for like $20. Don`t use your school`s!!!

Re: bass clarinet mouthpeice ligature and reeds    16:50 on Monday, July 11, 2005          
(Riki TheOboist)
Posted by Archived posts

Um John, I think he meant that he`s borrowing the bass clarinet from the school because he can`t afford his own bc yet.

Well, $70 for the mouthpiece, ligature, and 10 reeds, it`s pretty expensive. Why do you need a mouthpiece? Does the school`s bc`s mouthpiece have bitemarks or something? Well even if it`s busted or something, you can probably get a mouthpiece and some reeds for cheap like john said.

If I`ve also mistaken your question, sorry!

Riki TheOboist


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