08:37 on Sunday, April 3, 2005
hi i play sax and i want to learn the flute but my friend told me i cant start flute til i get to grade 8 on sax as it will change my embouchure is this true?
Re: ?
10:16 on Sunday, April 3, 2005
I certainly don`t think it will do anything but improve your embousure. I play flute as my main instrument and started learning clarinet. Since I started learning clarinet my flute embousure has improved greatly. I say, go for it! Flutes rule!
Re: ?
10:58 on Sunday, April 3, 2005
Your embouchure will not change that much. You should be fine with learning flute now. If you`re interested in jazz, your knowledge of the flute will help you if you ever play songs with doubles.
Re: ?
13:39 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005
hi guys thanx 4 the advice!i just get confused about when 2 toungue the notes because one of my friends who plays clarinet said the begining but my friend who plays sax said the end which is it?
Re: ?
20:26 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Your post does not make any sense????
Re: ?
20:57 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005
wee im in my 2nd year of playing the flute.. go flutes..
andrea`s post took me a few times to understand..
but you use your tongue for the notes to come out.. i dont know how to explain it but yeah you tongue at the beginning of the note..
Re: ?
23:21 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Ya, I think she asked wether to start the note with the tongue or end the note with the tongue, but for flutes you do it at the starting. At first, it might seem impossible to tongue on flutes (at least for me it was) but try saying "too" in a light way and with the tip of your tongue, hit your top lip to make the "too" sound.
Re: ?
05:33 on Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Well, not quite right, but almost.
For all notes in any group, you have air pressure form your lungs ALL the time. There is continuous air pressure in your mouth except when you have a rest or take a breath or stop playing.
The tongue acts as a tap to allow the air to flow, or to stop it flowing.
Unless notes are slurred or tied, you start any note by lowering the tip of your tongue, AND you end it by raising the tip of your tongue again. So you finish the last in a series of notes, or just one note on its own, by raising your tongue, even at the end of a series of slurred notes.
If you are tonguing legato, then the end and the start of the notes will be the same, but if you were playing staccato, you would finish each note with your tongue, wait a tiny moment, and then start each following note, again with your tongue, which should not have moved at allbetween the end of one note and the beginning of the next.