Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    23:07 on Thursday, June 20, 2002          
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It may prove wise to keep an open-mind on the subject. I`m not saying he`s not a good, experienced flautist but don`t always take your band masters word for things... as, no matter how much experience he`s had it`s always worth considering the opinions of other experienced flautists and flute teachers and of course, trying things out for yourself. It`s futile saying one thing is better than another when you haven`t even tried it out for yourself.
Even if you think it now... when you get a bit more experienced you may change your mind about this topic. Don`t close it off completely.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    00:10 on Friday, June 21, 2002          
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What do you mean? I know I didn`t try it out b/c I don`t have an old flute, but I saw him try it out w/ my very own eyes. and the oldest sounded the best! You believe what you want to believe, and I`ll believe what I want to believe.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    00:32 on Friday, June 21, 2002          
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My point is *he* played it, not *you*.
All I`m saying is to keep an open mind until you`ve tried it out for yourself. There`s no point in being bloody-minded about this. It`ll serve no purpose.

I`ll believe what I want because I`ve considered all the factors and have had experience playing/repairing/refurbishing instruments for a long time. Don`t knock it `til you`ve tried it.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    00:58 on Friday, June 21, 2002          
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My teacher plays beautiful and I trust him. He is nice. I dont even know you, I have not seen you or heard you play, but I have seen my teacher.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    02:14 on Friday, June 21, 2002          
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No, you don`t know me but if you didn`t come to this forum to consider and listen to advice and information given by other flautists then why are you here?

I`m simply pointing out that you haven`t considered all the factors. You made a definite statement: "Old ones are the best and sound the best!"
You have no backing for this statement.
*You haven`t tried it for yourself.
*You heard it perhaps once? twice? with, I`m guessing here, probably flutes that aren`t the same make and model? (if handmade it wouldn`t make a difference as all handmades are unique be they the same maker or not).

You should trust your teacher (it would be pretty pointless if you didn`t), however, when the subject of personal preference comes into it: give it an open-mind, experiment a bit as you go along and then decide for yourself. It`s advice that`s been very helpful to myself and my associates in the past and now it`s advice we give to our respective pupils to *help* them progress.

I have a strong tendancy towards argueing with those people who are mistaken (not stupid).
I now retire from this thread unless you *insist* on continueing this frackas to it`s final stupidity?

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    00:03 on Saturday, June 22, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Whatever! Like I said, you believe what you want to believe and I`ll believe what I want to believe and leave it there! I can tell you like to argue. Just don`t argue to me, b/c your annoying.. Okay? Bye bye and don`t reply back on this thing.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    06:22 on Thursday, June 27, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

gees, lizzi, your bandmaster does not know everything. if old insturments are better than old ones, why would factories bother making new ones?
the point is, i think you`re the one who`s "closed minded`

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    03:46 on Saturday, July 6, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I always knew flute players were incredibly snobby, but this is ridiculous. You`re arguing like a couple of children in a playground. Playing an instrument is a very personal thing. There is no right or wrong answer on what type of instrument is best. We are all individuals - what`s right for one, will be horribly wrong for another.

My suggestion is for you all to grow up and chat about something musical (considering this is a music chat room!)

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    13:59 on Saturday, July 6, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

What do you mean `snobby`? Belligerent, yes, arrogant, true, opiniated too but not snobby.

"You`re arguing like a couple of children in a playground."

It`s called `debate`.

As for the flute being a personal thing. That`s very true... but the only way you can find out what kind of flute suits you the best is to *try* them out and not rely on the opinion of someone else.

"My suggestion is for you all to grow up and chat about something musical (considering this is a music chat room!)"

I was under the impression that flutes *were* musical.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    06:39 on Thursday, July 25, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Dear Stephanie
Flutes are pretty expensive.

It depends on the quality though but a good one will set you up about $1000.

I`m in third grade flute and finally I`ve developed a good tone. How old are you?

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    14:16 on Thursday, July 25, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, everyone who is arguing about Old and New Flutes...here`s some advice. I don`t play the flute, but all of my friends do and I`ve played on their`s on occasion so I do know a lot more than most people that don`t play flute...now I don`t know EXACTLY about old and new flutes, but I do know (This might help a little bit) that older clarinets are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better because now ppl that are making the newer ones don`t make them to the same quality and specifications as they did in the 50`s or 60`s. I own a 1966 R-13 clarinet and it has much better tone than the new Vintage R-13. I am not sure if I helped out this issue at all, but I am pretty sure that most instruments are the same old/new wise...saying that the oldies r better. It really depends on the condition and the age of the flute. Also, you need to play on the instrument right after the other. That makes a major difference. And you need to play the full range of the flute as well...because a lot of times the older flutes, (clarinets as well) may have flat or sharp notes that need to be tuned. Hope that helps!!!!!! Mandy

Stephanie    13:19 on Tuesday, August 20, 2002          
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I`ve gotten a flute from EBay, it`s a great source for young and old players alike. Mine came to a total of $210 from a man named Alvin whose screen name is loveismusic. He owns a store in South Carolina I believe and i`m sure if you contact him through EBay, he could set you up with a resonably priced, new flute. The flutes he sells are made by "Grand" and personaly, I feel, that they are the greatest in quality for a resonable price. I would check it out with your dad Stephanie. I think he`ll agree.

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    20:59 on Wednesday, August 21, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

You dont know what your talkin about

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    20:59 on Wednesday, August 21, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

You dont know what your talkin about

Confused...    22:27 on Wednesday, August 21, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I`m not quite sure who that "You don`t know what your talking about" comment was directed towards, but, if it was to me....Yes, I do know what I`m talking about.


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