old flutes can sound better and pla better

old flutes can sound better and pla better    03:20 on Monday, December 30, 2002          
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I have a friend who has an old flute. But she is one of the best flute players in my band! It dosent matter how new or old your flute is. It matters how much you take care of it.And I have a new flute but my flutes sound dosent sound as good as my friends sound!

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    20:31 on Tuesday, December 31, 2002          
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Really hate to be a Kiljoy here but 6th grade... that`s 12 year olds right..... there seems to be a lot of "I have to have the `in` flute" open holes, silver plate... We don`t have all this desperation in England but how much of this is about the flute, and how much about the impression? Save your money until you are old enough to save up and by a wonderful new flute yourself when you have the skill to appreciate it.. also, you`ll love it even more for having bought it yourself and not bought it on Daddy`s plastic.

Snobby!?    20:36 on Tuesday, December 31, 2002          
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I`m insulted at being called snobby but I think you`ve got a point. I think all these 12 year olds at "band" think of their flute as another type of designer accessory rather than an instrument! How many of them are just working out what to do next with Daddy`s plastic!?

if you want a cheap one    13:59 on Tuesday, January 14, 2003          
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I`m in a band called kennady`s kitchen,we got are whistle`s for 5000$
but if you want a cheap one go to a whistle shop and buy one for like 7.50$

well    14:04 on Tuesday, January 14, 2003          
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And what kind are you looking for?????..... Are you looking for something in the middle ??????...e-mail me and maybe i can help you. Oh yea my e-mail is heyhey46617@yahoo.com

@("@).Stuart. @("@)

flute    05:50 on Thursday, January 16, 2003          
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ok, um, i`ve been playing flute since i was 6 i think, i didnt start doin exam stuff till yr 7, i did 2nd grade, passed , got a new flute (yamaha 371 II) as a present and as an incentive to keep playing, im first flute in all my 5+ bands, um, just did 4th grade last yr when i was in yr 8...

???    10:39 on Thursday, January 16, 2003          
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What are you talking about?

Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    23:08 on Friday, January 17, 2003          
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Hello Rachel,

Where in Canada didyou get your flute? Please let me know, thank you very much.


Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    16:11 on Monday, February 17, 2003          
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flutes    20:30 on Wednesday, February 19, 2003          
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Hey! I`m in 7th grade now. Who is LIZZIE? You took my name except my name is Lizzi without da e! lol... Waz up? -Lizzi

Flute is Fun!!!    12:06 on Tuesday, March 25, 2003          
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Hey guys! This is my 2nd year in Band. (I`ve been playing for 5 more months than that tho.) I`m second chair now but bound to be first. I no I`ve only been playing for a little while but flute is well...like my life. It`s my favorite thing to do. I have a really sucky flute but I appreciate it. I`m raising for a new one. We have to have one next year to stay up in chairs(8th).Only $355 more $`s to go!!!Yah for me!!! I just wanted to say that no matter how old or how experianced u are u could still be real knoow alot about it.

Re: Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    19:41 on Monday, April 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi! I have my own flute and my costed $700.00. I got mine at Bringe. Hope I could help.

this is really entertaining    01:08 on Thursday, May 8, 2003          
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I don`t find any of this rude or close minded. Just really amusing!

anyways, for what it is worth, newer instruments are better unlike string instruments. Period.

this is not an opinion, it is a fact.

Re: Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    17:51 on Sunday, May 11, 2003          
(Mary K.)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey there, I`m 18, a bit older than you guys, but flutes still rock. When I bought my first flute....(beginning of highschool no less!) It was a silver plated Buffet for about $800. I still have that flute, and use it for everyday playing, but when I do shows or performances, I use my Titanium flute. I would suggest saving up, and if you are serious about playing, a titanium one is BEAUTIFUL! `C`-ya.

Re: Hi flute players- how much does a flute cost?    20:09 on Monday, August 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

my flute was agemeinhardt 50th series flute and cost almost $900 its not a very good flute though the other gemeinhardts are much better, but cost less.


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