Help me plz
Help me plz
22:28 on Thursday, June 16, 2005
Re: Help me plz
02:14 on Friday, June 17, 2005
Very basically:
1. Play a note steadily.
2. While playing it, blow a little harder, so that the note gets slightly louder and slightly sharper.
3. No go back to playing it more normally.
Alternate 2 & 3, say once per second, during a long note. Now speed up to twice per second. 3 times per second. You are doing vibrato. Depending on the speed, you may use mainly tummy muscles (for slow), or partly muscles in the throat (for fast), which is a little bit towards the action of laughing without using your voice box (larynx).
Try laughing. and think what you are doing.
Re: Help me plz
07:13 on Friday, June 17, 2005
"Try laughing. and think what you are doing..."
You repeatedly cut off the air at the back of your throat, while making noise with your voice box.
Now if you do the same as lauching, but WITHOUT making the noise, and only PARTIALLY blocking the air at your throat, that is pretty similar to the type of vibrato that may be partially done in the throat region.
BTW I claim to be no expert on vibrato, so no doubt others can provide a different way of approaching it.