Flute Embourchere
23:19 on Saturday, June 18, 2005
Flute embouchere (that is a HARD word haha) The biggest obstacle in playing. This is a very basic request, but could someone please explain how to form your embourchere, and how to get your first note out, it would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanks!
Re: Flute Embourchere
23:29 on Saturday, June 18, 2005
this should be done with a teacher. to see the right emouchure is for you. you should just first try to get a note out. The best advice i can give you is get a private lessons teacher as they can help you more than anyone can over the computer.
Re: Flute Embourchere
00:10 on Sunday, June 19, 2005
If Flute is a hobby...
Just relax and blow away. Enjoy the Flute. Your embouchure will come to you.
Join a community/school band. Most Flutists who play for their own enjoyment have never taken a lesson in their life.
If Music as a career is in your sights...
Get thee to a flute instructor with a degree in flute performance. It is very painful to unlearn bad habits and to learn new ways of doing things. Regardless of your age... some community colleges have music programs that provide music intructors to you at a discounted rate through their school. You can try that if intructors are expensive in your area. Also make sure your flute intructor is an optimist. If all they do is rant on and on on how difficult the music profession is you`re better off with someone else with a positive point of view and will not the joy of flute playing from you.
Re: Flute Embourchere
08:26 on Sunday, June 19, 2005