do guys play flute?
21:50 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
(Flute Rules!)
I was wondering if there are guy flutist out there at all. I have never met a single guy who plays the flute so........
Re: do guys play flute?
22:39 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Re: do guys play flute?
22:40 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Sorry, I meant "I am A guy flute player"
Re: do guys play flute?
23:11 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Re: do guys play flute?
23:29 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
(Just Someone)
I am as well (a male flute player) but if you would be so good as to click the show all button at the top of the forum page you will find numerous debate over this topic. Some of it ridicuolous other that has some sense to it. I myself will not speak any further on the topic.
Re: do guys play flute?
23:48 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
yeah i am one too.
Re: do guys play flute?
00:25 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
Likewise me.
I agee with `Like Someone`!
Re: do guys play flute?
01:29 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
Re: do guys play flute?
05:40 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
And I guess `Thomas` is away today. I suppose he/she is a guy.
Re: do guys play flute?
07:29 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
Don`t forget to count me in.
When I was in High School, there were three guys in the flute section of the band. I could easily name a long string of professional flutists who are guys.
Re: do guys play flute?
12:08 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
It`s funny. When I first started playing last year, I told my cousin. He was silent for a moment, then "Hmmmm...".
"What?", I asked.
"Well, it`s just that... it`s... ummm..."
"A `chick instrument`?", I completed.
"Well, yeah."
I`m not sexist, nor am I reactionary. I think it`s kind of funny, actually. People are going to think what they think, and say what they say. Doesn`t effect me one way or the other. I play flute because I enjoy flute, not to prove my manhood. I have a sense of humor and I can certainly see a bit of irony, however I`d be more than happy to discuss it another way with someone who wanted to seriously suggest that one`s choice of musical instrument is limited by one`s sex... at least with "traditional" instruments. 
Re: do guys play flute?
12:20 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
(Flutes Rule!)
I totaly agree with Snotjelly. I love the flute and think that more guys should play. I have found that other instraments have "sexist" problums as well.I think that if you play an insrament you should play it because you love it not because its a "chick" or "guy" thing.
Re: do guys play flute?
12:31 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
There IS a slightly better reaction when I call my local music store and ask if they can polish my flute.
Re: do guys play flute?
13:52 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
A more interesting question would be: Why are the vast majority of student-aged flautists female but the majority of professionals male?
Not that I`d deny Emmanuel Pahud his glory or anything but...
Re: do guys play flute?
14:05 on Thursday, July 7, 2005
If I were to venture a guess (just off the top of my head), it would be that more females are expected or pressured into playing flute at a young age, so it becomes a "chore" they choose not to do later.