does anyone know how to fix this?
22:51 on Saturday, October 15, 2005
I would really appreciate any feedback of how to fix a problem on my almost-new intermediate flute. I bought the flute simply because I needed an instrument to teach with, but this has me so frustrated! I`ll try to explain it the best that I can:
First of all, the pads are fine. Say when fingering a Bb, the index finger on the right hand makes the key next to the middle finger on the left hand go down, right? Well, for some reason, the key under the middle finger on the right hand goes down also! When trying to play a Bb, it comes out like a weird A natural. Music studios charge an arm and a leg to fix problems, so I was wondering if I could fix it on my own? Visually, no wires are out of place, and the pads are fine. I`m stumped. I`d like to sell the thing, but I don`t want to sell it in this condition. Any help would be appreciated!
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
23:51 on Saturday, October 15, 2005
First, double check that the E key spring is hooked over the cradle, tensioned, and not binding against anything.
Then, while the F key is pressed down, manually operate the E key. If it is slightly reluctant to move, then the cause could be one of the following:
1. Inappropriate oil has been used in the past. It has an additive which is a gummy residue after the oil has evaporated or otherwise left. A good technician would take the assembly apart and clean it out. A band-aid that might work is to soften the gum by working some light (appropriate) oil or even "D-40" into the pivot .
2. Bent E pivot tube.
3. Rust in the E pivot as a result of no regular lubrication.
4. A technician has `swedged` the pivot tube and left it binding at the ends.
To deal with 2, 3 & 4 is really beyond the means of most players. A good technician is needed. (A bad one is likely to damage things)
People, please do not get upset at no recognizable name on this post. It is the content that is important. That is unless you just want to be nasty, as some here are intent on being.
And of COURSE some people can validly guess who wrote this. Please have the basic human courtesy to let that identity issue rest. To do otherwise, in the circumstances, is plain nasty, and you know it.
Focus on the CONTENT. If you are not interested in the content, go on to the next thread, and leave this to the person who IS interested.
Is there any reason why this should not apply to ALL posts. If so, discuss it in ANOTHER thread. To do it here is off-topic.
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
00:20 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
Try loosening the rod screw. If it is screwed in too tight it can cause other keys to move along due to the tigheness/friction.
Also perhaps something got into the rod spaceing which is causing the next rod section to rotate with it. You could try to apply oil to that little area where to two rod sections meet and see if that helps to resolve your issue as well.
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
01:29 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
Quick and simple.
The key falls because the spring is not connected. When you press Bb try holding up the falling key to see if there is resistance, or simply hold flute upside down to see if key stays still...gravity will keep it open. If no resistance...Find a small crochet hook or broken toothpick and try to lighty push spring(wire) into the hook on key. Careful, To much preesure on spring will make it lose tension.
Either that or rod is too tight. Simply unscrew a little.
Not enough oil or overswedging probably hasnt happened on a newer flute...
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
01:30 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
Nevermind!!! I read post wrong. Take advise from first 2 posts.
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
19:27 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
(Mrs. Spaghetti)
Demenestrated, PLEASE don`t try and share your so called knowledge with us on repairs. I read you post on fixing the Gemeinhardt 4P piccolo. .....Sad
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
00:59 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Sorry, pico. This cannot be the case for the E key. In this forum there is too much of people not knowing just how much they don`t know ~~ so confusing !!!!
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
01:44 on Monday, October 17, 2005
I was wondering when you would comment on my post. A+ for being consistent.
Mrs Spagetti there is not reason to keep changing names, I sure anyone paying attention would know exactly who you are.
If you noticed I said nevermind, I read post too quickly and missed the part about the bridge.
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
01:53 on Monday, October 17, 2005
(Mrs. Spaghetti)
There is no reason for koopinger (Ar@k) to change his every post either. If he can do it, then so shall I. I am not trying to hide my identity like he is. What little you know....
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
01:56 on Monday, October 17, 2005
(Mrs. Spaghetti)
Just to prove to you that I am not trying to hide my name at all...
Mrs. Spaghetti and Demenstrated = me! The ONE and ONLY KARA!!!
I must admit that you are pretty funny. I still love you!
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
03:03 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Sorry, pico. This cannot be the case for the E key. In this forum there is too much of people not knowing just how much they don`t know ~~ so confusing !!!!
It is back handed comments like that which get you a lot of love in this forum.
My post was written before there was another post on here, otherwise I would not have commented. Forgive me for putting in some practice before hitting the submit buttom.
My suggestions were just things little things that could be safely checked.
I recalled the rod screw being too tight having an really adverse affect to the key work and possible friction between rods as obvious causes to the problems.
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
03:16 on Monday, October 17, 2005
(Mrs Spaghetti)
I really don`t know what your saying
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
05:23 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Cute! I didnt` write that last comment. Wow, now I am getting so popular that someone is trying to clone me. NO ONE CAN CLONE THE GREAT KARA!! Lol!
Ar@K stop your crap!
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
19:26 on Monday, October 17, 2005
It seems that there are actually several people that you are calling Ar@k. Do you have a fixation on calling people this name? Weird! Possibly sick!
Re: does anyone know how to fix this?
21:13 on Monday, October 17, 2005
I appreciate the first 2-3 replies. Thank you. If anyone else has any suggestions regarding my question I would appreciate it.