Dear Pico re 1 cm.
00:53 on Monday, October 17, 2005
If you get the cleaning rods from 10 different brands/models, you will probably find 6 different positions for that tuning mark, covering quite a range.
It depends on various dimensions, possibly including the bore (diameter and taper, if not two tapers), and embouchure hole. Furthermore, it can be fine tuned to favour the response of certain notes relative to others. If anybody wants to know more about this from a REAL expert, I suggest you ask at flutenet, where there happens to be a long-standing expert on the topic. He may answer if you are lucky. I doubt that he would ever come anywhere near this forum though. I think we know why.
01:16 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Well after 16 posts, 2 of them had any relevance. Thanks.
Well I sat there with a tuner and adjusted and tested until most notes were pretty in tune, Instead of just some being right on tune and others way off.
Was hoping someone already had a Gemeinhardt rod with its measurement.
01:46 on Monday, October 17, 2005
I have a Gemeinhardt cleaning rod, but I wouldn`t go out of my way to help you after how you have treated me.
Put a sock in it @rak!
03:33 on Monday, October 17, 2005
The 1cm mark I pulled from an Armstrong piccolo rod, a Helmke Piccolo rod, and a wooden rod from Fluteworld. Though perhaps 10.5mm is more accurate.
My Gemeinahardt plastic, Armstrong metal, Buffet metal, and Fluteworld Wooden flute rods are all at 19mm.
...why do I feel like I`m being attacked?
03:36 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Doh! Mis-spelled Gemeinhardt. Sorry.
03:43 on Monday, October 17, 2005
I hope i didnt give you the attacked feeling. Maybe noticed that last post seemingly by me was Kara slightly misspelling my name.
Your post was one of the two that actually made for a decent thread, well three by now.
I got it playing sweet now, I think its at about 10.5cm. I used a chromatic tuner instead of a rod.
05:16 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Geesh! FOR THE SECOND TIME I didn`t misspell your name! I was not trying to clone you. Get over yourself.
Piko, I am sorry for any confusion, it was not my intention. I was simply trying to make a point. Maybe now some of the people on here will get it. (Wishful thinking!)