08:56 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
I have a Miyazawa 201E at the moment which only has a solid silver head. I am thinking about buying a new flute and am really unsure what to get. It has to be either Miyazawa or Muramatsu as these are the only brands i like playing.
I also don`t know if i should get an open hole or not.
Also is there any difference in the sound between rose silver and regular silver?
what models would you reccomend?
thank you
Re: upgrading
16:01 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
Miyazawa is good, and I personally would stick to that if that is what you are used to and like. You will find out over time that Muramatsu flutes may sound really nice, but projection on them and blending can be a problem. I have yet to hear a full and fibrant sounding Murma.
And before anyone suggests this, I don`t think that James Galway has a fibrant sound... it sound all the same to me.
Re: upgrading
17:26 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
James Galway has a dark sound? Interesting. Anyway, if you like Miyazawa stick with it.
Re: upgrading
19:24 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
(The Boogie Man)
What would you call it then if you don`t think that it is dark? It certainly is not bright! Are we talking about the same man here?
Re: upgrading
20:24 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
its all edge and tone, in that order, not dark, more like champagne than red wine
Re: upgrading
21:42 on Sunday, October 16, 2005
However you preceive Mr. Pro.
Re: upgrading
02:06 on Monday, October 17, 2005
Muramatsu seems like the biggest fad for the younger generation these day. I prefer Miyazawa to Muramatsu. I just feel that you can make more tones and colors on the Miyazawa.
Re: upgrading
20:47 on Tuesday, October 18, 2005
comment, what does "preceive" mean??
Re: upgrading
14:21 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
i am a pupil at chethams school of music studying flute. you shud definately get maramatsu, the key work on an open holesd miyazawa is atrocious believe me!
Re: upgrading
15:39 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
what model would you reccomend?
Re: upgrading
16:02 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
josh, please learn how to spell, and don`t put down Miyazawa flutes, they are an excellent flute with terrific keywork, I say that even though I don`t play on one, but I have known many students and pros who do use them and like them
Re: upgrading
17:22 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
They must not teach spelling at his special school?
Re: upgrading
17:28 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
I agree with Patrick. I actually prefer the key work of the Miyazawa over the Muramatsu. They have smaller keys for one thing. Also they played with more control for me and sounded more brilliant. Any of the Muramatsu flutes that I have tried sounded very stuffy to me. I must emphasize that that is only my opinion on them. I know people that play on them and love them. Just make sure to try out both for as long as you can side by side and see what you think.
Re: upgrading
17:54 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
right Kara, we can, and do, disagree on what instruments we like, but people should not come on here and slander fine instruments for whatever reason, but that is the way we were all when in music school, we knew everything and did a great deal of judging, then we got out and saw the world the way it really was, those listening to us didn`t care what kind of flute we played or who we studied with, they cared about the QUALITY of our playing and our ability to get along with those around us
Re: upgrading
19:34 on Saturday, October 22, 2005