Yamaha F100S
Yamaha F100S
09:39 on Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Hallo, has anyone heard of this flute model? i`ve googled it but all i found was ford and lots of funny pages. Does anyone have a link to where i can find a list of flute models and their specifications?
Re: Yamaha F100S
06:22 on Thursday, October 20, 2005
I have seen many of this model. It was until recently, a model name used for the basic student model when it was marketed in the Pacific Basin.
It is equivalent, and just as good as, the student models of other names recently marketed in USA.
As far as I know it was totally manufactured in Japan.
Closed hole, offset G, no split E. Highly recommended. About 2 years ago superseded by model YFL-221, which seems identical apart from the method for securing regulating screws.
The S suffix means silver plated.
The naming system was also used for other wind instruments, eg AS100 for alto sax, T100 for trumpet, C100 for clarinet.
Re: Yamaha F100S
03:35 on Friday, October 21, 2005
thank you!!  i wish they wouldn`t keep changing the naming system. it makes things so confusing.
Re: Yamaha F100S
05:44 on Friday, October 21, 2005
Apparently they have altered the meanings of the 400 & 500 series recently.
BTW if my memory serves correctly, the F100 was superceded by F100 SII, i.e. "Series 2", which was pretty well identical.